For someone who doesn't know about Therion yet...

Apr 9, 2004
In loco parentis
Therion, without a doubt, have been one of the most influential and brilliant acts in metal, in music. Even from the early death metal years, it was apparent that they were no generic play-brutal-for-fun headbangers: Of Darkness, Beyond Sanctorum and Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas are some of the most intelligent and challenging works ever to come out of death metal. Lepaca Kliffoth was the smooth transition, and then they gave us what many consider to be the album of the decade: Theli broke new ground in terms of incorporating classical music into the rigid stylings of heavy metal. With full choirs and orchestrated passages, it literally redefines what metal is, as of today. Vovin continues the progression, with an even greater classical side and more complexity of arrangement.

The Nerevarine said:
Therion, without a doubt, have been one of the most influential and brilliant acts in metal, in music. Even from the early death metal years, it was apparent that they were no generic play-brutal-for-fun headbangers: Of Darkness, Beyond Sanctorum and Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas are some of the most intelligent and challenging works ever to come out of death metal. Lepaca Kliffoth was the smooth transition, and then they gave us what many consider to be the album of the decade: Theli broke new ground in terms of incorporating classical music into the rigid stylings of heavy metal. With full choirs and orchestrated passages, it literally redefines what metal is, as of today. Vovin continues the progression, with an even greater classical side and more complexity of arrangement.

love you alexis, but Therion is teh_gh3yz0r :erk: