what is it like to go through life a virgin? I know you've probably become accustomed to going home alone every night and getting your little bitch dick half hard looking at child-porn, fighting the urge to get on mirc to fish for pre-pubescent asian boy dirty-diaper nudes. However, its a new era in gay-twink fetish whoring. You can finally come out, go to your favorite gay bar, and get some bear to use your face as a urinal. Lap up that golden nectar faggot...you deserve it you dirty little bitch. See, next time you see some tall, muscular, affluent social giant like The Hustler, with a sea of 9's and 10's at his beck and call, you can relax and turn off the jealousy. Now shut the fuck up and never type any of your cock-fag, horseshit garbage in any thread on this forum. Daddy never loved you.