For the young'uns- we are not homophobic.


Nov 9, 2001
Spidoincle: dude ur boards gettin way too homophobic
Ice Level Music: caleb, we're just joking
Ice Level Music: like half the people posting are actually gay
Ice Level Music: jake, zander, josh, eric
Ice Level Music: all gay
Spidoincle: oooooooooooooo jesus for a second i wa slike
Spidoincle: what the fuck
Ice Level Music: yeah dude, i don't think anyone has posted anything serious on our board, like, ever
Spidoincle: true true
indieradioisdead: did you listen to converge yet
Ice Level Music: not yet
Ice Level Music: i'm rocking to INTERPOL right now
indieradioisdead: you have been rocking to that for weeks

more evidence of gayitude.
Man, the more I hear Interpol at the coffee shop, the more I realize that they only have 2 good songs (which are both AWESOME) but the rest of them suck.

I think I may like "Obstacle 1" better than "Roland" these days.
that Interpol record surprised me as being really, really good.

Okay, maybe not amazing, but oh so much better than I expected from such a hyped band.

alex: BWAHAAHAAAAA. Paul's announced the song live as that a few times.