For those missing...


Jul 16, 2002
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...Anders Zackrisson (original Nocturnal Rites singer), he's back with a new band, SHADES OF GREY. Looks like he just stepped in as their new singer. Here's a video for the song Under Pressure, which is pretty good.


I prefer Jonny Lindqvist as a singer and the Jonny-era Nocturnal Rites discs, but the Zackrisson-era was very good too, and he's a fine singer IMO. And he has a particular voice, meaning you know it's him when you hear one of his songs, which is a plus in my book.
For those interested in SHADES OF GREY, here are a couple other videos, with the previous singer, which was very good I must say. It will be interesting to see how these songs will sound now with Zackrisson on vocals. Very good band IMO.


Had their songs a few years now. It's good to hear Anders back singing metal again. I was one of those who whilst enjoying and loving post Anders NR, still loved the Tales and Talisman albums more than any other NR albums. They were just written from a more melodic angle for me although the production values because much much better as time went on after Anders left. Some people say Anders is a bit of a nasal whiner but I call it character myself but I can understand why some may not like him. He has his own style and it's pretty easy to tell it's him singing when you hear him like you said Guillaume, especially in a world where unique power metal singers are pretty thin on the ground. Look forward to their album.