Nocturnal Rites New World Messiah
Century Media CMR8223-2 - 2004
By Rodrigo Escandon
In my mind, Nocturnal Rites separated themselves from the crowded power metal genre with the album Afterlife. That release marked the debut of Jonny Lindqvist as the singer, replacing Anders Zackrisson, who thankfully took his wisions away with him. Anders was just not a very good singer, and it would annoy me that every v he pronounced sounded like a w. Plus, the music prior to Afterlife was generic power metal, and Nocturnal Rites was just another band in an oversaturated field.
However, with Afterlife the band now had a confident, unique, rough and powerful singer, and the music was heavier and darker. It really was a great surprise to hear that album, and Shadowland was a nice follow-up which combined some of the bands old melodic elements with their current crunchy sound. Shadowland was a very strong and enjoyable album, but I didnt enjoy it as much as Afterlife. Nevertheless, I still looked forward to their latest release New World Messiah and what surprises Nocturnal Rites could bring this time around.
New World Messiah follows in the footsteps of Shadowland in that the band plays it safe and by the numbers while employing some unique elements here and there. Songs like Avalon, Break Away and One Nation are your typical power metal fare, in which they are up-tempo, filled with double bass drumming, catchy choruses and plenty of riffs and solos. New World Messiah and End of Days may be similar in style but they stand out more because they are just more bombastic, catchier and stronger songs. I dare anybody not to sing along to the chorus of End of Days. Speaking of singing along, the clichéd but extremely addictive anthems of The Flame Will Never Die and Against the World should have you screaming along with Jonny. One of the songs that did differ from the rest was Egyptica because eastern influences handled by the guitars are incorporated into the sound, providing a new dimension for Nocturnal Rites and resulting in a more epic feeling. I do wish that they would not be so obvious in the title though, because in a way the surprise of hearing a song like this for the first time is diminished.
Just like its predecessor New World Messiah really doesnt break a lot of new ground for Nocturnal Rites but they have still managed to come out with a highly addictive and enjoyable album. Yes, at its foundation it is standard power metal, but compared to other bands in the genre their heavier sound and stronger singing make them stand out.
Nocturnal Rites Official Website
Century Media Official Website
Century Media CMR8223-2 - 2004
By Rodrigo Escandon

In my mind, Nocturnal Rites separated themselves from the crowded power metal genre with the album Afterlife. That release marked the debut of Jonny Lindqvist as the singer, replacing Anders Zackrisson, who thankfully took his wisions away with him. Anders was just not a very good singer, and it would annoy me that every v he pronounced sounded like a w. Plus, the music prior to Afterlife was generic power metal, and Nocturnal Rites was just another band in an oversaturated field.
However, with Afterlife the band now had a confident, unique, rough and powerful singer, and the music was heavier and darker. It really was a great surprise to hear that album, and Shadowland was a nice follow-up which combined some of the bands old melodic elements with their current crunchy sound. Shadowland was a very strong and enjoyable album, but I didnt enjoy it as much as Afterlife. Nevertheless, I still looked forward to their latest release New World Messiah and what surprises Nocturnal Rites could bring this time around.
New World Messiah follows in the footsteps of Shadowland in that the band plays it safe and by the numbers while employing some unique elements here and there. Songs like Avalon, Break Away and One Nation are your typical power metal fare, in which they are up-tempo, filled with double bass drumming, catchy choruses and plenty of riffs and solos. New World Messiah and End of Days may be similar in style but they stand out more because they are just more bombastic, catchier and stronger songs. I dare anybody not to sing along to the chorus of End of Days. Speaking of singing along, the clichéd but extremely addictive anthems of The Flame Will Never Die and Against the World should have you screaming along with Jonny. One of the songs that did differ from the rest was Egyptica because eastern influences handled by the guitars are incorporated into the sound, providing a new dimension for Nocturnal Rites and resulting in a more epic feeling. I do wish that they would not be so obvious in the title though, because in a way the surprise of hearing a song like this for the first time is diminished.
Just like its predecessor New World Messiah really doesnt break a lot of new ground for Nocturnal Rites but they have still managed to come out with a highly addictive and enjoyable album. Yes, at its foundation it is standard power metal, but compared to other bands in the genre their heavier sound and stronger singing make them stand out.
Nocturnal Rites Official Website
Century Media Official Website