For those with USB Audio I/O experience...


Nov 13, 2008
After deciding I needed an upgrade from my Toneport GX to have XLR/phantompower/better converters/etc, I got a Audiobox USB. It first had dropouts and pops, after I got that somewhat under control, there was still a problem with clipping even with the levels minimized.

Sent it back for a E-mu Tracker pre. The levels are good now, but while monitoring a live guitar DI in reaper (no-FX) the audio cuts out or is reduced to a shitty sputter within seconds (sometimes minutes). It also seems like it cuts the signal, or won't pick it up, if its even somewhat quiet. My toneport never cutout and I could have multiple multimedia apps open. Right now with the Tracker pre I cant use itunes/winamp/media player/Reaper/etc at the same time.

now before I ask:
-Im at college on a laptop w/o firewire, I have to use USB
-I've tried various drivers/patches

any suggestions on a fix or ideas why this problem might be, maybe b/c of previous problems you've experienced. I really don't want to send another one back.