My want list and trade list is below. I'm primarily concentrating on obtaining items from my want list, but feel free to make offers outside of my wants. Also, all items are for sale.
At The Gates With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness LP
Autopsy Fiend For Blood LP
Bolt Thrower Spearhead 12 EP
Coroner Deathcult CD
Demolition Hammer Epidemic Of Violence LP
Enslaved Hordanes Land MLP
F.U.C.T. Undimensional Depth Perception LP
Gorguts The Erosion Of Sanity LP
Kat Oddech wymar³ych wiatów LP
Kat 666 LP
Kat Bastard LP
Kat Ballady LP
Massacra Enjoy The Violence LP, Signs of Decline LP
Mercyless Coloured Funeral LP
Metallica Kill Em All LP
Metallica Ride The Lightning LP
Minotaur The Power Of Darkness LP/CD
Mortuary Drape (all, except All the Witches ) CD
Necromantia Scarlet Evil, Witching Black LP (Pending)
Necromantia Crossing The Fiery Path LP (Pending)
Nightfall Macabre Sunsets LP
Protector all CDs
Protector Misanthropy MLP,
Razor Armed And Dangerous LP
Séance Fornever Laid To Rest LP
Séance Salt Rubbed Eyes LP
Sinister Diabolical Summoning LP
Sodom Mortal Way Of Live CD
Suffocation "Pierced From Within" LP
Suffocation "Souls To Deny" CD
Torr Chcipni o kus dal LP
Torr Morituri te salutant LP
Turbo Doros³e Dzieci LP
Turbo Titanic LP
Turbo Smak Ciszy LP
Turbo Last Warrior LP
Turbo Awatar LP
Turbo Dead End LP
Ulver LP Box set
Venom All 7 Eps, Scandinavian Assault, Japanese Assault
Voi Vod Too Scared To Scream MLP
Nokturnal Mortum Taste Of Victory CD
Nokturnal Mortum All Vinyl
Sacred Oath Crystal Vision CD/LP
Nokturnal Mortum "Twilightfall" CD
Lunar Aurora any CDs
Joyless "Wisdom and Arrogance" CD/LP
Xasthur/Nachtymystium split 7
Warloghe CDs
These items are for trade:
Adding CDs:
Abazagorath "Channelling The Ethereal Moon" MCD
Abazagorath "Tenebrarum Cadent Exurgemus" CD
Abominant "In Darkness Embrace" CD
Abominator Subversives For Lucifer CD
Acid Enema/Xasthur Split CD Split CD
Agarthi "At The Burning Horizon" MCD
Alghazanth Thy Aeons Envenomed Sanity CD
Ancient Ceremony Cemetary Visions MCD
Arise Life Into Ever Black MCD
Ascaroth The Quest For Eldenhor MCD
Avenger Fall Of Devotion... CD
Avenger Shadows Of The Damned CD
Averse Sefira Homecomings March CD
Aztec The Loss Of Our Final Pride CD
Battlehorns Demo Kompilation CD
Bergthron Verborgen In Den Tieten Der Walder... CD
Bestial Mockery "Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw" CD
Beyond Dawn Longing For Scarlet Days MCD
Bilskinir "In Flames Of Purification" CD
Bloodhammer "Abbedissan Saatanallistet " CD
Centinex "Maleficarum" CD
Centuries Of Deception Heic Noenum Pax MCD
Crest Of Darkness Quench My Thirst MCD
Der Gerwelt/Nargathrond Split CD
Diabolical Dominus Infernal CD
Diamond Eyed Princess "Pagan Rite" CD
Divine Eve As The Angels Weep MCD
Divine Sin "Winterland" CD
Eibon "The Garden Of Theophrastus" CD
Einkenskaden The Black Laments Symphonic CD
Eisregen Krebskolonie CD
Elhaz "The Black Flame" CD
Emancer "Utopian Illusions" CD
Enochian Night Monumental Evil CD
Enochian Crescent Telocvovim CD
Enochian/Isacaarum Split CD
Epoch Of Unlight Within The Night... MCD
Eternal Majesty "From War To Darkness " CD
Ezurate Infernal Dominatio CD
Finsternis Lire Finster Nachtmusik Demo CD-R
Frozen Shadows Dans Les Bras Des Immortels CD
Funeral Oration Sursum Luna CD
Funeral Rites Necroeater CD
Garwall Abyssus Abyssum Invocat MCD
Goetia "Wolfthorn" MCD
Golden Dawn "The Art Of Dreaming" CD
Gotmoor Vlaemsche Premitieven CD
Grand Belial's Key "Mocking The Philanthropist" CD
Heathen Dawn "Wasted Land" MCD
Iconoclasm Preamble To... CD
In Deum Maledicus Acies MCD
Krieg "The Black Plague" CD
Kristallnacht "Of Elitism And War" CD
Liber Spirituum ...Frugativi Et Apellativi CD
Lordes Were Canticles Of Armageddon MCD
Lullaby My Master Lucifer MCD
Maniac Butcher "Immortal Death/The Incapable Carrion" Split CD
Maniac Butcher Barbarians CD
Maniac Butcher Invaze CD
Maniac Butcher Lucan-Antikrist CD
Maniac Butcher Sangue Negro CD
Mayhem "Wolf's Lair Abyss" Digi CD
Menhir Die Ewigen Steine CD
Mephistopheles Landscape Symphonies CD
Misfortune Midnightenlightened MCD
Mortal Intention "Sic Luceat Lux" CD
Myrmidon Divine Blasphemy CD
Nebron The Message CD
Nox Intempesta Damnanus Dominum CD
Numen GaldutakoItxaropenaren Eresia CD
Ocultan Bellicus Profanus CD
Ontos On Sombre Chaotic Entrance MCD
Paragon Belial Hordes Of The Darklands CD
Riger Der Wanderer CD
Rossomahaar Imperium Tenebrarum CD
Sextrash "Sexual Carnage" CD
The Stone "Cnobehcka Kpb" CD
The True Endless "Wings Of Death" CD
Trollech "Synove Lesu" CD
Tumulus Wodureid MCD
Tumulus "Wodureid" MCD
Utuk Xul/Thy Antichrist "The Spirits Of The Abyss" Split CD
Vultyr Monuments Of Misanthropy CD
Zarathustra Dogma Antichrist CD
Zarathustra Heroic Zarathurstrian Heresy CD
Zaratustra It Was A Night CD
Puritas Virginum "Black Arts" '95 Demo
Tzaphikial "Anahata Chakra, Kundalini, ...Luciferi..." '94 Demo
Nortt "Mournful Monuments 1998-2002" Demo
Bilskirnir/Nordreich '02 Split Demo
Kill "Morbid Curse" '03 Demo (#92/100)
Myself "Experiences .I." '3 Demo (#5/169)
Diamond Eyed Princess/Infect " '02 Split Demo
Nargaroth "Herbstleyd" '93 Demo (#20/200)
Hate Forest "For Those Who Came Before Us" '02 Demo
Anaon "War 666" 96 Promo
Antaeus "Reh 27/6/93 Y.A.T.B.O.T.W"
Antaeus "Supremist Dawn" Demo
Darkness Enshroud "Winter Of Sorrow" '93 Demo (On Hold)
Black Funeral "Journeys Into Horizons Lost" '94 Demo (On Hold)
Anaon "The Frosty Breath From Devil" 95 Demo
Levifer "Tribute To The Supreme Beast" '00 Demo
Funeral "Black Flame Of Unholy Hate" '95 Demo
Funerary Call "A Comseth De Ors" Demo
Enternal Majesty/Antaeus Split '97 Demo (#450)
Lord Wind "Forgotten Songs" '95 Demo
Demon Realm "...Of Chaos, Damnation, and War" 1999 Demo (#37/500)
Incubus "To The Devil a Daughter" LP
Destruction "Infernal Overkill" LP
Destruction "Release From Agony" LP
Kult of Azazel "Triumph Of Fire" LP
Kult of Azazel "Order Of The Fly" LP
Revenge "Triumph, Genocide, Antichrist" Picture Disk LP
Necronomicon "Necronomicon" LP
Razor "Executioner's Song" LP
Amen Corner "Fall, Ascension, Domination" LP
A Mind Confused "Out Of Chaos Spawn" 7" EP Near Dark Productions (#690/1000)
Abazagorath The Spirit Of Hate For Mankind 7" EP Blood Fire Death
Abominator "Damnation's Prophecy" LP Merciless Records
Aborym "Kali-Yuga Bizarre" LP Scarlet
Abruptum "Evil" 7" EP
Absurd "Thurigan Pagan Madness" 7" EP BSR (#306/666)
Acheron "Anti God, Anti Christ" LP Merciless Records
Acrostichon "Engraved In Black" LP Modern Primitive
Agathodaimon "Blacken The Angel" LP Nuclear Blast Records
Agatus The Weaving Fates LP Iron Pegasus Records
Agmen Damnation LP Merciless Records
Akerbeltz "Spreading The Eternal Mayhem" LP Blut & Eisen Productions (#291/300)
Altar Of Perversion/Goatfire "Demonic Lust" Split 7" EP Hellflame Productions (#298/500)
Amebix "Arise" LP Alternative Tentacle Records
Ancient Rites Dark Ritual LP Painkiller Records
Antaeus "De Principii Evangelikum" LP Osmose Productions
Antaeus "Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan" LP EAL Productions (#317/400)
Anubi Kai Pilnacies... LP Danza Ipnotica (#298/325)
Anwyl Totalitarian Perversity 7" EP EAL Productions (#251/300)
Apolokia/Darkstorm "In Ceremonial Circles" Split LP Sombre Records
Arkenstone Lusitanian Pride 7" EP View Beyond Records (#84/500)
Arkhon Infaustus Hell Injection LP Osmose Productions
Arkhon Infausus 7" EP Spikekult Records
As You In Agony Cry Lavdator Temporis Acti 7" EP Diabolical Shapes Records (#507/999)
Astriaal "The Throne To Perish" 7" EP Dark Horizon Records (Limited to 666)
Atanatos Castle In The Dark 7" EP (Limited to 1000)
Atomizer The End Of Forever LP EAL Productions (#224/666)
Atrox 7" EP Danza Ipnotica
Autumnblaze Every Silent Moment I Weep 7" EP Prophecy Productions
Baptism "The Beherial Midnight" LP Northern Heritage
Beatrix "Journey Through The End Of Life" LP Serpens Caput (#356/500)
Bestial Mockery "Chainsaw Execution" LP Sombre Records (#181/350)
Black Witchery Summoning Of Infernal Legions 7" EP Dark Horizon Records
Bloodsick/Nunslaughter 96 Split 7 Split 7" EP
Caedes Seelenharmonie 10" EP Christhunt Productions (#398/500)
Cirith Gorgor Onwards To Spectral Defile LP Osmose Productions
Conqueror/Black Witchery "Hellstorm Of Evil Vengeance" LP Dark Horizon Records
Cryptic Wintermoon/Lord Astaroth Split 7" EP Perverted Taste Records (#498/1000)
Darkstorm/Maniac Butcher "Black Horns Of Saaz" Split 7" EP View Beyond Records
Decieveron "Deceiveron" LP Hellflame Productions (Limited to 333)
Demoncy "Within The Sylvan Realms Of Frost" LP Sombre Records
Derketa/Nunslaughter "Begotten Son" Split 7" EP Decomposed Sounds
Destruktor Brutal Desecration 7" EP Decius Productions (#296/1000)
Diapsiquir "L.S.D" LP EAL Records
Dolmen "On The Eve Of War" LP Iron Pegasus Records
Dunkelgrafen "Baphomet's Aeon" LP Last Episode
Dunkelgrafen/Eternity "Todesrun" Split 7" EP Last Epitaph (#670/700)
Eidomantium "The Death" 7" EP Sombre Records (#118/300)
Eisregen Fleishhaus 7" EP Self Release
Eminenz Death Fall LP Mirquidi Productions (#316/500)
Empaligon/Triumvirat Xul "Realm Wrath Complex" Split 7" EP Hatework
Emptyness LP KRG Incorportated (#68/500)
Encomium/Funeral Procession "Under And Endarkened Skie" Split 7" EP Phlegethon Productions (#97/300)
Enid Der Tag Zur 10" EP Ketzer Distribution (#144/500)
Eternal Majesty/Temple Of Baal "Unholy Chants Of Darkness" Split LP EAL Productions (#211/300)
Flauros Suicide 7" EP Embers Productions (Limited to 500)
Flauros Third Curse 7" EP Dark Horizon Records
Front Beast/Inner Helvete "United Terror Division" 7" EP Ordealis Records (#332/500)
Frost "Invoking The Aeon Of Satan" LP Hellflame Productions
Frost "Open The Portals To Darkness" LP
Furze First Feast For Freedom 7" EP Apocalyptic Empire
Furze Trident Autocrat MLP Apocalyptic Empire
Geweih/Nachtmahr "Moorleichen" Split 10" EP (#432)
Goatvomit Chapel Of The Winds 7" EP Nuclear War Now! Productions (Limited to 200)
Goatwhore "The Eclipse Of Ages In Black" LP Rotten Records (Limited to 1000)
God Dethroned The Christhunt LP Cold Blood Industries
Godblood/Macabre Omen Split 7" EP Daemonion Productions
Godflesh "Streetcleaner" LP Earache Records
Godkiller The End Of The World LP Wounded Love Records (#25/500)
Gorelord/Wurdulak Split 7" EP Redstream Records
Haat "Recidivus In Obscurum" LP Paniac Records (#180/350)
Hate Forest Darkness 7" EP Miriquidi (#144/300)
Hate Forest Blood And Fire 7" EP Sombre Records (Limited to 500)
I.N.F.A.N.T.R.Y. "Pro-Death" 7" EP Tri-State Terror
Impending Doom Caedes Sacrilegae LP Perverted Taste (#242/500)
Imperial Aux Crepuscules LP Osmose Productions (#505/1000)
In Tha Umbra The Goatblod 666 7" EP Hibernia Productions (#98)
Inferno Downtown Hades LP Osmose Productions (#397/1000)
Inner Helvete "Total Bloodshedding Devastation" LP Ordealis Records (#76/500)
Isacarrum/Sorath "Meditations In Dark Green" Split 7" EP Epidemie Records
Isegrim "Dominus Inferus Ushanas" LP Massacre Records (#366/500)
Isegrim/Sanctimonious Order "For They Shall Be Slained" Split 7" EP Last Episode
Jumalhamara Sanity Of Humanity 7" EP Northern Sound Records (#272/500)
Katharsis/Black Witchery Germany "The Portals Of Light" 2002 7" EP Sombre Records (Limited to 666)
Katharsis/Naavah Germany "Dawn Of A New Order" 2001 Split 7" EP Sombre Records (#271/500)
Kaprogoat "The Sweet Sound Of Apocalypse" 7" EP Maggot (Limited to 300)
Luciferi Excelsis "Luciferi Excelsis" LP Black Empire Records(#414/500)
Lugubrum "Al Ghemist" LP Painiac Records (#257/400)
Maniac Butcher Epitaph LP Death To Mankind Records
Maniac Butcher "Cerna Kreb" LP Sombre Recordss
Maniac Butcher Lucan-Antichrist LP Sombre Records (#69/350)
Maniac Butcher "The Incapable Carrion" LP Terror From Hell (#285/699)
Maniac Butcher "Invaze" LP Sombre Records
Manticore "Ritual Cleansing Of The Whore" LP Merciless Records
Misery's Omen "To Worship Stone Gods" 7" EP Hellflame Productions
Mithotyn "In The Sign Of The Ravens" LP Invasion Records
Mithotyn "King Of The Distant Forest" LP Invasion Records
Morbosidad "Bajo El Egendro Del Crucificado" 7" EP Bestial Onslaught
Moribund Phantom Der Nacht 7" EP Painkiller Records
Morningstar Before The Dawn 7" EP Moonlight Records
Mutiilation "1992-2002 Ten Years Of Depressive Destruction" LP End All Life Productions
Myrkvid/Ulfsdalir Split 7" EP Christhunt Productions (#99/500)
Nachtmystium "Reign Of The Malicious" LP Sombre Records
Naer Mataron "Skotos Aenaon" LP Aphelion Productions (#193/666)
Nocturnal Breed Aggressor LP Hammerheart Records
Obtest 997 7" EP Miriquidi Productions (#124/500)
Old Pagan "Tecknotschtikiun" LP Ordealis (#255/666)
Orcustus "World Dirtnap" 7" EP Southern Lord
Ordog Postition One LP Aphelion Productions
Pantheon Ergriffenheit 10" EP Vinland Winds(Limited to 500)
Pest "Desecration" LP No Colours Records
Profanatica "Collection" LP Necroscope Productions
Revenge "Triumph, Genocide, Antichrist" LP Osmose Productions (Limited to 500)
Sabbat Satanasword LP Iron Pegasus Records (Limited to 500)
Sathanas Ripping Evil 7" EP Reaper Records
Scepter Metal Supremacy 7" EP Merciless Records
Screams Over Northland 7" EP Ghoul Records
Shadowbreed Avatar 7" EP Painkiller Records
Shadows Towards My Sunset "Forever Lost My Dying Love" 7" EP Sombre Records
Storm Legion "Rebirth Of The Flame" 7" EP Hiberica (#19/500)
Strychnos Terror Lies Within 7" EP Horror Records (#443/666)
Suicidal Winds "Winds Of Death" LP No Colours Records (Limited to 300)
Thornspawn "Infernal Legions" 7" EP Profanation Records
Thornspawn "The Blood Of The Holy " LP Death To Mankind Records
Thy Primordial Where Only Seasons Mark The...... LP Paranoia Syndrome (#360/500)
Totenburg "Weltmacht Oder Niedergang" LP Christhunt Productions (#362/444)
Unholy Archangel "Blessed By Aris" 7" EP #139/500
Urn I Am Your Nightmare MLP Damnation (#256/500)
Usurper Diabolosis LP Rip Music
Usurper Skeletal Season LP Merciless Records
Usurper "Threshold Of The Usurper" LP Merciless Records
Vomitor Bleeding the Priest: LP Metal Blood Music
Von "Satanic Blood Angel" LP Nuclear War Now! Productions (Limited to 100)
Walhalla War Over Nordland 7" EP Root-O-Evil Records
Wind Of The Black Mountains Force Fed Into Blasphemy 7" EP Moribund Records (#52/1500)
Wings Thorns Of Thy Oaken Throne 7" EP Adipocere
Woods Of Infinity I-20 7" EP Djavulstap Productions (Limited to 333)
Katharsis "Kruzifixxion" LP "Kruzifixxion" LP
Black Witchery/Conqueror Split LP
SVEST "Urfaust" LP "Urfaust" LP
Deathspell Omega "SMRC" LP
Watain "Casus Luciferi" LP
Nattefrost "Blood & Vomit" LP
"Four Spears In The Ribs Of God" Split 10"
Taake/Amok Split 10"
At The Gates With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness LP
Autopsy Fiend For Blood LP
Bolt Thrower Spearhead 12 EP
Coroner Deathcult CD
Demolition Hammer Epidemic Of Violence LP
Enslaved Hordanes Land MLP
F.U.C.T. Undimensional Depth Perception LP
Gorguts The Erosion Of Sanity LP
Kat Oddech wymar³ych wiatów LP
Kat 666 LP
Kat Bastard LP
Kat Ballady LP
Massacra Enjoy The Violence LP, Signs of Decline LP
Mercyless Coloured Funeral LP
Metallica Kill Em All LP
Metallica Ride The Lightning LP
Minotaur The Power Of Darkness LP/CD
Mortuary Drape (all, except All the Witches ) CD
Necromantia Scarlet Evil, Witching Black LP (Pending)
Necromantia Crossing The Fiery Path LP (Pending)
Nightfall Macabre Sunsets LP
Protector all CDs
Protector Misanthropy MLP,
Razor Armed And Dangerous LP
Séance Fornever Laid To Rest LP
Séance Salt Rubbed Eyes LP
Sinister Diabolical Summoning LP
Sodom Mortal Way Of Live CD
Suffocation "Pierced From Within" LP
Suffocation "Souls To Deny" CD
Torr Chcipni o kus dal LP
Torr Morituri te salutant LP
Turbo Doros³e Dzieci LP
Turbo Titanic LP
Turbo Smak Ciszy LP
Turbo Last Warrior LP
Turbo Awatar LP
Turbo Dead End LP
Ulver LP Box set
Venom All 7 Eps, Scandinavian Assault, Japanese Assault
Voi Vod Too Scared To Scream MLP
Nokturnal Mortum Taste Of Victory CD
Nokturnal Mortum All Vinyl
Sacred Oath Crystal Vision CD/LP
Nokturnal Mortum "Twilightfall" CD
Lunar Aurora any CDs
Joyless "Wisdom and Arrogance" CD/LP
Xasthur/Nachtymystium split 7
Warloghe CDs
These items are for trade:
Adding CDs:
Abazagorath "Channelling The Ethereal Moon" MCD
Abazagorath "Tenebrarum Cadent Exurgemus" CD
Abominant "In Darkness Embrace" CD
Abominator Subversives For Lucifer CD
Acid Enema/Xasthur Split CD Split CD
Agarthi "At The Burning Horizon" MCD
Alghazanth Thy Aeons Envenomed Sanity CD
Ancient Ceremony Cemetary Visions MCD
Arise Life Into Ever Black MCD
Ascaroth The Quest For Eldenhor MCD
Avenger Fall Of Devotion... CD
Avenger Shadows Of The Damned CD
Averse Sefira Homecomings March CD
Aztec The Loss Of Our Final Pride CD
Battlehorns Demo Kompilation CD
Bergthron Verborgen In Den Tieten Der Walder... CD
Bestial Mockery "Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw" CD
Beyond Dawn Longing For Scarlet Days MCD
Bilskinir "In Flames Of Purification" CD
Bloodhammer "Abbedissan Saatanallistet " CD
Centinex "Maleficarum" CD
Centuries Of Deception Heic Noenum Pax MCD
Crest Of Darkness Quench My Thirst MCD
Der Gerwelt/Nargathrond Split CD
Diabolical Dominus Infernal CD
Diamond Eyed Princess "Pagan Rite" CD
Divine Eve As The Angels Weep MCD
Divine Sin "Winterland" CD
Eibon "The Garden Of Theophrastus" CD
Einkenskaden The Black Laments Symphonic CD
Eisregen Krebskolonie CD
Elhaz "The Black Flame" CD
Emancer "Utopian Illusions" CD
Enochian Night Monumental Evil CD
Enochian Crescent Telocvovim CD
Enochian/Isacaarum Split CD
Epoch Of Unlight Within The Night... MCD
Eternal Majesty "From War To Darkness " CD
Ezurate Infernal Dominatio CD
Finsternis Lire Finster Nachtmusik Demo CD-R
Frozen Shadows Dans Les Bras Des Immortels CD
Funeral Oration Sursum Luna CD
Funeral Rites Necroeater CD
Garwall Abyssus Abyssum Invocat MCD
Goetia "Wolfthorn" MCD
Golden Dawn "The Art Of Dreaming" CD
Gotmoor Vlaemsche Premitieven CD
Grand Belial's Key "Mocking The Philanthropist" CD
Heathen Dawn "Wasted Land" MCD
Iconoclasm Preamble To... CD
In Deum Maledicus Acies MCD
Krieg "The Black Plague" CD
Kristallnacht "Of Elitism And War" CD
Liber Spirituum ...Frugativi Et Apellativi CD
Lordes Were Canticles Of Armageddon MCD
Lullaby My Master Lucifer MCD
Maniac Butcher "Immortal Death/The Incapable Carrion" Split CD
Maniac Butcher Barbarians CD
Maniac Butcher Invaze CD
Maniac Butcher Lucan-Antikrist CD
Maniac Butcher Sangue Negro CD
Mayhem "Wolf's Lair Abyss" Digi CD
Menhir Die Ewigen Steine CD
Mephistopheles Landscape Symphonies CD
Misfortune Midnightenlightened MCD
Mortal Intention "Sic Luceat Lux" CD
Myrmidon Divine Blasphemy CD
Nebron The Message CD
Nox Intempesta Damnanus Dominum CD
Numen GaldutakoItxaropenaren Eresia CD
Ocultan Bellicus Profanus CD
Ontos On Sombre Chaotic Entrance MCD
Paragon Belial Hordes Of The Darklands CD
Riger Der Wanderer CD
Rossomahaar Imperium Tenebrarum CD
Sextrash "Sexual Carnage" CD
The Stone "Cnobehcka Kpb" CD
The True Endless "Wings Of Death" CD
Trollech "Synove Lesu" CD
Tumulus Wodureid MCD
Tumulus "Wodureid" MCD
Utuk Xul/Thy Antichrist "The Spirits Of The Abyss" Split CD
Vultyr Monuments Of Misanthropy CD
Zarathustra Dogma Antichrist CD
Zarathustra Heroic Zarathurstrian Heresy CD
Zaratustra It Was A Night CD
Puritas Virginum "Black Arts" '95 Demo
Tzaphikial "Anahata Chakra, Kundalini, ...Luciferi..." '94 Demo
Nortt "Mournful Monuments 1998-2002" Demo
Bilskirnir/Nordreich '02 Split Demo
Kill "Morbid Curse" '03 Demo (#92/100)
Myself "Experiences .I." '3 Demo (#5/169)
Diamond Eyed Princess/Infect " '02 Split Demo
Nargaroth "Herbstleyd" '93 Demo (#20/200)
Hate Forest "For Those Who Came Before Us" '02 Demo
Anaon "War 666" 96 Promo
Antaeus "Reh 27/6/93 Y.A.T.B.O.T.W"
Antaeus "Supremist Dawn" Demo
Darkness Enshroud "Winter Of Sorrow" '93 Demo (On Hold)
Black Funeral "Journeys Into Horizons Lost" '94 Demo (On Hold)
Anaon "The Frosty Breath From Devil" 95 Demo
Levifer "Tribute To The Supreme Beast" '00 Demo
Funeral "Black Flame Of Unholy Hate" '95 Demo
Funerary Call "A Comseth De Ors" Demo
Enternal Majesty/Antaeus Split '97 Demo (#450)
Lord Wind "Forgotten Songs" '95 Demo
Demon Realm "...Of Chaos, Damnation, and War" 1999 Demo (#37/500)
Incubus "To The Devil a Daughter" LP
Destruction "Infernal Overkill" LP
Destruction "Release From Agony" LP
Kult of Azazel "Triumph Of Fire" LP
Kult of Azazel "Order Of The Fly" LP
Revenge "Triumph, Genocide, Antichrist" Picture Disk LP
Necronomicon "Necronomicon" LP
Razor "Executioner's Song" LP
Amen Corner "Fall, Ascension, Domination" LP
A Mind Confused "Out Of Chaos Spawn" 7" EP Near Dark Productions (#690/1000)
Abazagorath The Spirit Of Hate For Mankind 7" EP Blood Fire Death
Abominator "Damnation's Prophecy" LP Merciless Records
Aborym "Kali-Yuga Bizarre" LP Scarlet
Abruptum "Evil" 7" EP
Absurd "Thurigan Pagan Madness" 7" EP BSR (#306/666)
Acheron "Anti God, Anti Christ" LP Merciless Records
Acrostichon "Engraved In Black" LP Modern Primitive
Agathodaimon "Blacken The Angel" LP Nuclear Blast Records
Agatus The Weaving Fates LP Iron Pegasus Records
Agmen Damnation LP Merciless Records
Akerbeltz "Spreading The Eternal Mayhem" LP Blut & Eisen Productions (#291/300)
Altar Of Perversion/Goatfire "Demonic Lust" Split 7" EP Hellflame Productions (#298/500)
Amebix "Arise" LP Alternative Tentacle Records
Ancient Rites Dark Ritual LP Painkiller Records
Antaeus "De Principii Evangelikum" LP Osmose Productions
Antaeus "Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan" LP EAL Productions (#317/400)
Anubi Kai Pilnacies... LP Danza Ipnotica (#298/325)
Anwyl Totalitarian Perversity 7" EP EAL Productions (#251/300)
Apolokia/Darkstorm "In Ceremonial Circles" Split LP Sombre Records
Arkenstone Lusitanian Pride 7" EP View Beyond Records (#84/500)
Arkhon Infaustus Hell Injection LP Osmose Productions
Arkhon Infausus 7" EP Spikekult Records
As You In Agony Cry Lavdator Temporis Acti 7" EP Diabolical Shapes Records (#507/999)
Astriaal "The Throne To Perish" 7" EP Dark Horizon Records (Limited to 666)
Atanatos Castle In The Dark 7" EP (Limited to 1000)
Atomizer The End Of Forever LP EAL Productions (#224/666)
Atrox 7" EP Danza Ipnotica
Autumnblaze Every Silent Moment I Weep 7" EP Prophecy Productions
Baptism "The Beherial Midnight" LP Northern Heritage
Beatrix "Journey Through The End Of Life" LP Serpens Caput (#356/500)
Bestial Mockery "Chainsaw Execution" LP Sombre Records (#181/350)
Black Witchery Summoning Of Infernal Legions 7" EP Dark Horizon Records
Bloodsick/Nunslaughter 96 Split 7 Split 7" EP
Caedes Seelenharmonie 10" EP Christhunt Productions (#398/500)
Cirith Gorgor Onwards To Spectral Defile LP Osmose Productions
Conqueror/Black Witchery "Hellstorm Of Evil Vengeance" LP Dark Horizon Records
Cryptic Wintermoon/Lord Astaroth Split 7" EP Perverted Taste Records (#498/1000)
Darkstorm/Maniac Butcher "Black Horns Of Saaz" Split 7" EP View Beyond Records
Decieveron "Deceiveron" LP Hellflame Productions (Limited to 333)
Demoncy "Within The Sylvan Realms Of Frost" LP Sombre Records
Derketa/Nunslaughter "Begotten Son" Split 7" EP Decomposed Sounds
Destruktor Brutal Desecration 7" EP Decius Productions (#296/1000)
Diapsiquir "L.S.D" LP EAL Records
Dolmen "On The Eve Of War" LP Iron Pegasus Records
Dunkelgrafen "Baphomet's Aeon" LP Last Episode
Dunkelgrafen/Eternity "Todesrun" Split 7" EP Last Epitaph (#670/700)
Eidomantium "The Death" 7" EP Sombre Records (#118/300)
Eisregen Fleishhaus 7" EP Self Release
Eminenz Death Fall LP Mirquidi Productions (#316/500)
Empaligon/Triumvirat Xul "Realm Wrath Complex" Split 7" EP Hatework
Emptyness LP KRG Incorportated (#68/500)
Encomium/Funeral Procession "Under And Endarkened Skie" Split 7" EP Phlegethon Productions (#97/300)
Enid Der Tag Zur 10" EP Ketzer Distribution (#144/500)
Eternal Majesty/Temple Of Baal "Unholy Chants Of Darkness" Split LP EAL Productions (#211/300)
Flauros Suicide 7" EP Embers Productions (Limited to 500)
Flauros Third Curse 7" EP Dark Horizon Records
Front Beast/Inner Helvete "United Terror Division" 7" EP Ordealis Records (#332/500)
Frost "Invoking The Aeon Of Satan" LP Hellflame Productions
Frost "Open The Portals To Darkness" LP
Furze First Feast For Freedom 7" EP Apocalyptic Empire
Furze Trident Autocrat MLP Apocalyptic Empire
Geweih/Nachtmahr "Moorleichen" Split 10" EP (#432)
Goatvomit Chapel Of The Winds 7" EP Nuclear War Now! Productions (Limited to 200)
Goatwhore "The Eclipse Of Ages In Black" LP Rotten Records (Limited to 1000)
God Dethroned The Christhunt LP Cold Blood Industries
Godblood/Macabre Omen Split 7" EP Daemonion Productions
Godflesh "Streetcleaner" LP Earache Records
Godkiller The End Of The World LP Wounded Love Records (#25/500)
Gorelord/Wurdulak Split 7" EP Redstream Records
Haat "Recidivus In Obscurum" LP Paniac Records (#180/350)
Hate Forest Darkness 7" EP Miriquidi (#144/300)
Hate Forest Blood And Fire 7" EP Sombre Records (Limited to 500)
I.N.F.A.N.T.R.Y. "Pro-Death" 7" EP Tri-State Terror
Impending Doom Caedes Sacrilegae LP Perverted Taste (#242/500)
Imperial Aux Crepuscules LP Osmose Productions (#505/1000)
In Tha Umbra The Goatblod 666 7" EP Hibernia Productions (#98)
Inferno Downtown Hades LP Osmose Productions (#397/1000)
Inner Helvete "Total Bloodshedding Devastation" LP Ordealis Records (#76/500)
Isacarrum/Sorath "Meditations In Dark Green" Split 7" EP Epidemie Records
Isegrim "Dominus Inferus Ushanas" LP Massacre Records (#366/500)
Isegrim/Sanctimonious Order "For They Shall Be Slained" Split 7" EP Last Episode
Jumalhamara Sanity Of Humanity 7" EP Northern Sound Records (#272/500)
Katharsis/Black Witchery Germany "The Portals Of Light" 2002 7" EP Sombre Records (Limited to 666)
Katharsis/Naavah Germany "Dawn Of A New Order" 2001 Split 7" EP Sombre Records (#271/500)
Kaprogoat "The Sweet Sound Of Apocalypse" 7" EP Maggot (Limited to 300)
Luciferi Excelsis "Luciferi Excelsis" LP Black Empire Records(#414/500)
Lugubrum "Al Ghemist" LP Painiac Records (#257/400)
Maniac Butcher Epitaph LP Death To Mankind Records
Maniac Butcher "Cerna Kreb" LP Sombre Recordss
Maniac Butcher Lucan-Antichrist LP Sombre Records (#69/350)
Maniac Butcher "The Incapable Carrion" LP Terror From Hell (#285/699)
Maniac Butcher "Invaze" LP Sombre Records
Manticore "Ritual Cleansing Of The Whore" LP Merciless Records
Misery's Omen "To Worship Stone Gods" 7" EP Hellflame Productions
Mithotyn "In The Sign Of The Ravens" LP Invasion Records
Mithotyn "King Of The Distant Forest" LP Invasion Records
Morbosidad "Bajo El Egendro Del Crucificado" 7" EP Bestial Onslaught
Moribund Phantom Der Nacht 7" EP Painkiller Records
Morningstar Before The Dawn 7" EP Moonlight Records
Mutiilation "1992-2002 Ten Years Of Depressive Destruction" LP End All Life Productions
Myrkvid/Ulfsdalir Split 7" EP Christhunt Productions (#99/500)
Nachtmystium "Reign Of The Malicious" LP Sombre Records
Naer Mataron "Skotos Aenaon" LP Aphelion Productions (#193/666)
Nocturnal Breed Aggressor LP Hammerheart Records
Obtest 997 7" EP Miriquidi Productions (#124/500)
Old Pagan "Tecknotschtikiun" LP Ordealis (#255/666)
Orcustus "World Dirtnap" 7" EP Southern Lord
Ordog Postition One LP Aphelion Productions
Pantheon Ergriffenheit 10" EP Vinland Winds(Limited to 500)
Pest "Desecration" LP No Colours Records
Profanatica "Collection" LP Necroscope Productions
Revenge "Triumph, Genocide, Antichrist" LP Osmose Productions (Limited to 500)
Sabbat Satanasword LP Iron Pegasus Records (Limited to 500)
Sathanas Ripping Evil 7" EP Reaper Records
Scepter Metal Supremacy 7" EP Merciless Records
Screams Over Northland 7" EP Ghoul Records
Shadowbreed Avatar 7" EP Painkiller Records
Shadows Towards My Sunset "Forever Lost My Dying Love" 7" EP Sombre Records
Storm Legion "Rebirth Of The Flame" 7" EP Hiberica (#19/500)
Strychnos Terror Lies Within 7" EP Horror Records (#443/666)
Suicidal Winds "Winds Of Death" LP No Colours Records (Limited to 300)
Thornspawn "Infernal Legions" 7" EP Profanation Records
Thornspawn "The Blood Of The Holy " LP Death To Mankind Records
Thy Primordial Where Only Seasons Mark The...... LP Paranoia Syndrome (#360/500)
Totenburg "Weltmacht Oder Niedergang" LP Christhunt Productions (#362/444)
Unholy Archangel "Blessed By Aris" 7" EP #139/500
Urn I Am Your Nightmare MLP Damnation (#256/500)
Usurper Diabolosis LP Rip Music
Usurper Skeletal Season LP Merciless Records
Usurper "Threshold Of The Usurper" LP Merciless Records
Vomitor Bleeding the Priest: LP Metal Blood Music
Von "Satanic Blood Angel" LP Nuclear War Now! Productions (Limited to 100)
Walhalla War Over Nordland 7" EP Root-O-Evil Records
Wind Of The Black Mountains Force Fed Into Blasphemy 7" EP Moribund Records (#52/1500)
Wings Thorns Of Thy Oaken Throne 7" EP Adipocere
Woods Of Infinity I-20 7" EP Djavulstap Productions (Limited to 333)
Katharsis "Kruzifixxion" LP "Kruzifixxion" LP
Black Witchery/Conqueror Split LP
SVEST "Urfaust" LP "Urfaust" LP
Deathspell Omega "SMRC" LP
Watain "Casus Luciferi" LP
Nattefrost "Blood & Vomit" LP
"Four Spears In The Ribs Of God" Split 10"
Taake/Amok Split 10"