for vampires and their victims


New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2002
Timisoara, Romania
Visit site
Hi folks,

This is an invitation for all of you guys to go see the land of Vlad Tepes. Imagine how the world would be today if he didn't exist. Kind of boring, I guess. So, if you are interested in history and vampires, I will be glad to be your guide for free, because me too I want to see those places. No tourist crap, guaranteed. An example: most tourists go visit the "Dracula Castle", but that castle has little connection to Vlad, he only visited that place once or twice. The real castle is in ruins, well hidden in the mountains, and visited by very few.
As you can imagine Dan has top priority for this "adventure" vacation. Well, actually not much adventure, but there are plenty of places (castels, medieval towns) to see. I've been told the sightseeing is great, but the accomodations are bad (typical for Romania).
Maybe you think I am a robber, or even better, a vampire. I can only tell you that I am a software developer for Siemens and I do see my reflection in the mirror, but rarely, that's true.

I guess life can be cheap in Romania for tourists, but it depends on what you want. If you need a first class accomodation, and you find one (only in the big cities), you will pay a lot of money. And more than that, nobody will rush to tell you that you can find something cheaper somewhere else.
But be aware: most cities are boring un uninteresting to see. The real attraction here is the wilderness of the wilderness :) . I mean, in some villages, in the mountains, you will sometimes have the impression time stopped hundreds of years ago, because the civilisation didn't reach there yet. Some people like this, inlcuding me. Some don't. Roads in the mountains are horrible for vehicles, there are many accomodations you can only reach by foot. But when you get there, you'll understand why I like it.
And the people are friendly. I noticed that the more developed a country is, the "colder" the people are. Romanians enjoy talking to strangers, are very helpful to anyone, not only to foreigners.
Oh, and there's the Dracula castles. In fact, I may be visiting one of them this weekend, so if I go, I'll let you know how it's like.
I've been to many ruins of castles in Romaina, and what's amazing about them is the scenery, not the forteress itself. What attracts me equally is the history behind them. What's interesting about Romanian history is that a big part of it is covered in mistery, and there are many theories, but none is proved.