For Victory or Death

surtur rising must have leaked it's all over youtube and it sounds fucking awesome can't wait to receive my copy and DVD!!
At first listen I thought this one was pretty mediocre compared to War of the Gods and Slaves of Fear. I was a bit disturbed by the almost keaboard-like guitar popping out here and there.

After listening to it about fifteen times or so, I must say that this is a big grower. Pretty much on one level with the other two songs. The middle part is absolutely awesome :headbang:
i would prefer AA not to use other instruments (or effects) other than guitar, bass, drums, and growling vocals (no clean ones)

but the song is great

This is still guitar, just sounding a bit keaboard like ^^

For violin/cello stuff you can hear in the background (there is something going on there or am I mishearing this?): as long as they don't overdo that I'm totally fine with it, cause these are beautiful sounding instruments, which can add a LOT of atmosphere to a song.
I was a bit disturbed by the almost keaboard-like guitar popping out here and there.

I was and still am, though the song as a whole is still great and there is no misstaking it for anything other than AA.

I'll come back once I've heard it live, might have changed my mind by then. Also will be interesting to see how it sound on the album in comparison to the other songs and the flow of the album as one piece.
For violin/cello stuff you can hear in the background (there is something going on there or am I mishearing this?): as long as they don't overdo that I'm totally fine with it, cause these are beautiful sounding instruments, which can add a LOT of atmosphere to a song.

I think the cellos sounded great on Live For the Kill.

I'll come back once I've heard it live, might have changed my mind by then. Also will be interesting to see how it sound on the album in comparison to the other songs and the flow of the album as one piece.

It's sounding like it's going to be the most melodic and least heavy song on the album.
i remember in video interviews Johan mentioning they've always wanted cellos in their music. Adding synth/keyboard allows for featuring Apocalyptica when they play live(as in the past)which will sound much more badass. Kudos to AA for evolving