Force of Evil

I picked this up a couple weeks ago and it's pretty good.

The band is called Force of Evil (hence the thread title) and features members from Mercyful Fate & King Diamond (and no, not the king). I picked it up on a whim never heard anything about them and the album is damn good power metal. Very heavy sounding with some 80s feel to it.

If you can find soundclips check it out, you may be suprised.

For those of you who would ask a comparison, Seven Witches comes to mind, not for a sound-a-like, but if you like them you may enjoy Force of Evil.
They played at BW&BK last summer for thier world wide debut. They did a lot of thier own material and a couple of Mercyful Fate tunes including Evil. Unbelievably tight band live. They were one of the surprise band of the weekend (the other being Wolf who kicked ass with thier intensity and energy). Looking forward to hearing the disc though they did have advance copys for sale at the show last year.
Martin Steene needs to hurry his ass up and make another Iron Fire album. Other than those three songs he let people download almost a year ago they havent had any new music since 01 and havent even started recording yet. Bah.

It's weird now. Martin has a revolving door with the other members. Right now iIron Fire is him, some guy and the other guys left. hahah "some guy and other guys" well thats what happens with around 5 lineup changes in about 3 years.

I just picked up Force of Evil and have only listened through once, but it is pretty good so far. It has a good blend of moderate tempo power metal and also the slow driving feel that many power bands just can't seem to pull off. Also I noticed that the singer kind of sounds like Bon Jovi at times, and at others can sound like (Insert your favorite Halford clone :rock: ). Overall I'm liking the CD and hopefully will still like it after a few more spins.

P.S. don't rake me over the coals for the Bon Jovi reference. I think the Force of Evil singer has the same type of voice and even sings in the same style during some parts, but generally sings with more power than Bon Jovi.