

Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I was digging through my old CDs and happened accross Foreigher "Records" which is their greatest hits more or less. That pretty much kicked my ass for THREE plays before I could take it out of the player.

Great disc !!

I'm originally from Rochester NY and went to the same high school Lou Gramm did (my mother graduated with him). Foreigner was a staple of Rochester radio for many years (and may well still be), so I grew up listening to them, and I have a bit of a soft spot for some of their stuff. I have a CD and a few mp3s hiding around here somewhere. Good standard rock n' roll.
Foreigner was the first concert I ever went to. My mom took me when I was in the first grade. I think I was like 5 years old. Juke Box Hero was my favorite song for like 10 years until I discovered metal. Lou Gramm can sing his ass off though.
I like their hits. I don't feel an urge to look any deeper. Hot Blooded is a kick ass tune with some great lines.

"Are you hot momma? You sure look that way to me!"
LuminousAether said:
If you are talking about Foreigner, they are easily one of the most abominable musical abortions to ever exist, along with Triumph. Together, they represent the absolute worst of the 80s.

goddamn.. in EVERY thread someone starts, you're the first one to reply and say it's all crap. Look at you, what a wiseguy. Wow you know so much more music then we do. Congratulations assclown.