Forest Stream?


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001
Are they in studio already? I'm really looking forward to their albums!
Actually I got an email from Sonm saying that he's going back to Moscow to help the rest of the guys finish off the album and do the vocals, etc. They've told me to expect the album in mid-July.

Here's a sneaky look at the cover art (which is subject to change.. it's not 100% decided yet):


Whithout Face is good but not unique band imho while Forest Stream guys play something what makes me fly... Def-tly the best Elitist band... I listen to it already for half a year and still love it... Can't wait to have the CD and see'em live too... Greetings Lee!! Actually I know Sonm personally If I am f-ing not mistaken... hehe!
I must also say that from the 2 songs I heard on the Elitist compilation, that going to be an incredible album. Also, brace yourself for Umbral Presence. Wow! Wait 'till you hear some of that stuff. Thanks Lee ;)