
13th angel

of wolf and man
Jan 25, 2002
sacramento california
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the lryrics of this song are dead on with whats going on in isreal and palistine...I wonder if angeldust actualy wrote it on this subject?? anyway I love the song and wondered what every one else thinks?.....also I wanted to say that richie is amazing...he seems to have a similar style to bernd yet shows his uniqueness...this cd is totaly angeldust...I don't see where people think they are going in a different direction....oh well.........:hotjump:
one man is intelligent. but mankind is stupid as hell. has been, will be. but still - if we don't have the goal to reach peace, we will never achive this. if we have the will to forgive each other - who knows, if in time we won't reach freedom and peace for everyone. in time. and maybe even in israel. if we loose faith in this, and stop caring, it'll never take place.

but anyway: i don't know, if the guys took this as basis for writing this song. we'll have to wait for them to comment.

and about ritchie. i saw them live already on christmas with ritchie, and he is a good substitute for bernd. still bernd is a good player, too. but it's good, they are friends again. bernd even played the guitar at the last FanClub metting, because ritchie wasn't in germany. nevertheless i like ritchies playing as good as bernd's - i wouldn't say who is a better player, because they're both great and have both unique styles.

and so, ritchies playing truely fit's ADs style. as it did bernd's.
yes daniel I agree, wars have always been faught blindly in the name of religion....but we must retain hope. unfortunately I have never seen angeldust without richie as he was the touring guitar player here in the states,so I have nothing to compare to,but I do enjoy them both..........take care
I have spoken to people at my University from the Isreal, Palastine area and they seem to have lots of resentment towards one another. This starts at a very young age over there. How is it possible to have peace when this is part of their culture? I don't think we'll have peace until there is full out war over there and many things start changing. Religion for one has to change. Young people in that region must begin to see that it is all bullshit and it will only happen when death is all around them. Its unfortunate, but peace will not come by just waving a white flag on either side.
Yeah, the lyrics do remind me of the shit that's going on over there. Fucked up situation in the Middle East that will probably never be solved, ever.
13. Engel, warum morgens ich nicht überrascht. Selbstverständlich mögen Sie Ritchie, Ihr ein Aufladungslicker. Wenn Engelsstaub zu einem Hüftehopfengenre schielt, würden Sie das erste zum Kaufen einer kareokemaschine, um entlang zu klopfen sein-. Hinsichtlich Bernd sind meine Gefühle, daß nur die, die mit ihm sympathize, über ihn sprechen können. Wenn nur die Ventilatoren die Wahrheit hinter diesem masquerade kannten, OH-Vertiefung..., Sowieso wie ich vor gesagt habe, von Humand ist Bondage minderwertig. Der Ton hat eine negative Änderung durchgemacht. Ein, wo Melodie und Aufmerksamkeit zum Inhalt gewesen ist, ingored und das neue Lernziel, um so viele Geräusche zu bilden, wie möglich. Gut in diesem ihrem ist Erfolg. Verzeihen Sie meinen Urteilen, aber ich würde meine Lippen schließen, wenn dieses Band nicht solche phänomenale Beherrschung precedingly gezeigt hatte. Aber sie und es ist wie das Wecken zu einer schwarzen defiled Sonne, die die gleiche Wärme gibt, dennoch ermangelt das wundervolle Glühen der Orange und Gold, das so viele vereinigt hat, a liebte ein.

(For those who speak no German, to bad for you)
(For those that speak German, listen and believe)
13th Angel, it's basically the content of the previous posts about new AD in general. I don't know how Last Angel did this translation....I don't exactly get all of it (heh heh..hope you get all of my English...)

Last Angel, come on, in another thread I said I kind of understand what you feel about AD. I still do.
But I don't think you can change someone's mind on this subject. If for example 13th Angel happens to love the new record, well, you can't do a thing about it, do you? You can't always have your way and most bands change over the years and it's up to everyone of us to decide if we still like to follow or not.
You are referring to the AD that came back in 1998. Remember they were more a thrash band in the late 80s. What might have those fans thought about the comeback with that different sound?
It will always happen that a band will release sth you don't like as much as the previous stuff.

As I already said, the new record isn't my favourite. The band hasn't changed much when it comes to playing live though. They've always been heavier on stage.
And yes, I like Bernd a lot but you won't bring him back I think. I have to admit that in the beginning I was a bit reserved towards Ritchie but well....he rocks and he seems to be a really nice guy also.

You see, I'm not telling you that you have to like the new AD. How could I?
But from that last sentence that you wrote (that is a nice expression by the way....did you think of that yourself?) I gather that you still like them in a way?
thanks gaunerin...your english is fine...much better than my german lol......good points all the way around especially about the old angel dust versus the lineup with bernd in it...... everybody has their opinion and thats good.I tend to react to negative comments about bands (and people) I like with a short fuse...I guess I get a little defensive but thats me ......thanks for seeing both sides.........peace!:) :D :saint: