Format of


New Metal Member
May 25, 2004
Am I the only one who doesn't like the format of the site? The whole flash thing doesn't appeal to me. The other pages are decent, but the home page is weird to me. Plus, I can't link to a specific page within the site, which I like doing a lot.

No offense to the guys. But I dunno, it is what it is. I just think it's less than ideal.
Trey Parker said:
nah, akerfeldt doesn't even know what an mp3 is. he's so f'in primitive. he didn't want to do the DVD at first beacuse he thought the cameras would capture his soul
if your resolution is high enough it doesn't fill up the screen...i think it's a good design. as much as it pains me to say so, something like what metallica did would be cool, you get some kind of code in the cd to access a special section, maybe studio outtakes or something? :Spin:
I would also like to complain about the prices on that Razamataz webstore

It comes out to like $60 for a hoodie including shipping

They should have those shirt designs available in a US based store
the site is technically ok and it must have been a hell of a job to construct it. i like the site, ik like the (minimal) use of flash as well. i hate flash sites, but in order to have a certain atmosphere to the website, it's imperative to use a tad of flash. this site uses it in ideal proportions. they only thing that bothered me was the full screen idd, but i don't seem to have that problem anymore with firefox. so no more disadvantages on the opeth site for me anymore.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
The site is available without flash. Use this link:

that is still flash, its just not full screen.

The site is very inaccessible. It uses javascript to open the main window (i tend to stay well clear of javascript in web design as people can turn it off, completely ruining the whole design). The same goes with flash. No sites should be made that 'require' you to have x,y and z plugin. I make sites where the people just need to support the current w3c standards.

I also dont like the way it 'requires' a certain resolution to use normal browser mode.

At least in firefox the full screen doesnt work properly so you can close it when you want. The other thing about the full screen is you cant do anything else till youve left the opeth site, or it makes it akward, which kinda sucks. The opeth site looks very nice, and has good content, but it is very badly designed.
Trey Parker said:
actually the large majority of people who use flash use it for a website. it was DESIGNED for that purpose

what about the people who dont have the flush plugin / cant get it / dont want it for whatever reason? There should at least be an html version of the site.

Flash is very unfriendly anyway. Screen readers wont have a clue what to do with it, so that rules out any visually impared people having a chance of reading the site. None of the links tell you where they are going in the status bar, bringing in a question of trust. I like to see where a link is taking me.

This is why i HATE crappy javascript things that change the status bar text, and the gay anti right click ones that do fuck all really. Javascript annoys me a lot as well.