Forrest Solo

please post
umdebaba said:
Moonlapse would you please post the solo.

Edit: Commence Destruction hey I live in Harlingen not too far from Phar hehe.

thats cool man, not many people around here into this style of music, its always interesting to meet people close by with similar tastes, you play guitar as well? even better......I dont know, ive been feeling restless lately with my musical ideas, me and a friend play Opeth,Death,In Flames, and some Dark Tranquillity, but just jam...nothing with a drummer,were both guitarists I dont know why im rambling but maybe we should jam sometime :flame:
Done. Have fun working through this monster.

Artist: Opeth
Song: Forest of October (1st two solos)

Transcribed by: Ermin H (
~ = Vibrato
h = Hammer-on
p = Pull-off
/ = Slide to
t = Before number = Tap / After number = Tremelo pick
* = Artificial Harmonic
\/ = Whammy bar

Note: Some fingerings aren't exactly what the band use, they are transcribed for increased convenience.

Mikael's Solo



(Tapping is done on the 13th fret of the B string)

Peter's solo







Repeat 2 times

Repeat 2 times

Repeat both another time
Last time don't play final 2 notes then