Second Solo in Deliverance tab?


New Metal Member
Aug 5, 2003
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Hey, does anyone have a tab for the second solo in the song deliverance? I really really like that solo, but I'm not good enough to learn it by ear.... if someone could tab it for me or point me toward a tab of it I would love it :) Thanks
Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about it- I've done most of it apart from one little fast bit, but when I've had time to do it there has been alot of other noise around (my father teaches trumpet :eek: ), I should have it done tomorrow (maybe ;))
yourdeadgroom said:
Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about it- I've done most of it apart from one little fast bit, but when I've had time to do it there has been alot of other noise around (my father teaches trumpet :eek: ), I should have it done tomorrow (maybe ;))

thanks so much dude :grin:
@ Wigeon: that tab looks good, but it doesn't have the solo they wanted :(

here it is:

This was accurate when I figured it out, but I tune down to C#, so when I came to write it out properly I had to lower each note by 3, so if any note sounds particularly wrong, it'll be because I screwed up (I only caught myself doing it once though, so it should be cool ;)).
If there's any questions, let me know ;)