Forum have mercy, need help with guitar biz

Dec 29, 2010
Greeting all this be ma first post though im no stranger to the forums. I digress.

I really need critical advice about the guitar tone. It sounds lifeless. There is no thickness to it. I have tried a lot eq'ing but to no avail. Keep in mind this is a pod gx. There is also almost to no definition while playing chords, hundred dollars worth of guitar, what do you expect i guess.

I live in an apartment so its my only option until i can upgrade to ze axe fx. Also keep in mind this is mixed on old sony stereo speakers :rofl:.

And "flat" isnt a word i would use to describe them lol

Anyway, just wanna hear some advice about your mixing techniques for the geetar. Im very new to this recording mumbo jumbo so any advice would be awesome

*GULP* Here ya go