Forum/Site Participation


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2004
Hey all:

I have to apologize, things have been so hectic around here lately, I have rarely had time to participate around here at all. Between the drastic upswing in my workload during the day and chasing my boys around to their activities at night (baseball, Boy name it) it seems as though I don't have any time to myself anymore :loco: .

I figured it has been too long since I have posted here so I forced myself to sit down tonight to at least let you all know that I'm still alive anyways :wave: .

I have noticed, however, all the changes that have taken place here at Stickman Radio, and I think it's awesome. The entire Classic Metal Show Network as a whole has just really taken off. I wish I had time to participate on more of the affiliate sites and tune in to all the shows more often.

To everyone in The Classic Metal Show Network, thanks for all your hard work, you guys rock!! :worship:
Hey Jim,

What are you apologizing for brother, I'm the one who should be saying sorry for not being around more often! I haven't posted here in weeks! :erk:

I hear ya man with the "not enough time in the day" Things seem so hectic when I get home from work too, and my son hasn't even started school yet. So I can't wait for the after school activites kick in. Also with baby #3 on the way in a couple of weeks, we've been scrambling trying to get last minute things done around the house, etc, but we'll be fine.

Thanks again for the kind comments and your continued support.

Number 3 coming huh !?!? Congrats ! I have four of 'em running around here. :OMG:

I know how you guys feel...and then some. Also selling my current home (actually just sold) and moving to new home that will be finished in late Sept / early Oct.

The one thing that does help is my 4 / 12 work week. I work 4 twelve hour days than get 4 off !!
They've tossed around the idea of a 4/10 week here, but we just can't seem to get everyone to go for it. I could really go for that extra weekend day, something like a 6-5 shift would work out quite nice :rock:

What ages are your kids, Nate? I got 2 boys, 7 & 5.
I've got a 9 yr old girl, and boys at 8, 4, and 5 mos :loco:

We've got some dudes on the 4 / 10...I was one of 'em for the last five years until I got promoted. To be honest, I kinda like the 4 / 10 better cuz you can still do stuff before or after work...with the 12's, the day (or night) is done :hypno:
Wow, you got a full house there, man! And here I thought I was busy! It seems as though it gets harder all the time to find or make the time to do the things you used to. I guess that's why we look forward to retirement more and more all the time, huh? :loco:

I think I get the "Non responsive award". How the heck have you guys been (aside from busy with work)?

Kirk, your on your 3rd kid? What are ya trying to do.. make a band? :loco:

I've been busy with work myself, but it's mostly been the I don't have a clue what I'm doing so it takes two or three times as long kind of work. This usually makes the 9 to 5 a 9 to 7. Wee....

On the plus side this usually means I get home to late to do anything so I usually play bass for an hour each night. The problem it still finger strength and speed, but I'm getting better every week.

Who Made Who is easy, Sundy Bloody Sunday is easy, Smoke on the Water is mostly easy (fingers still fudge some parts) and my current challenge is Helloweens "I Want Out". This song is simple but fast - and kind of fun!

Anyway... I'm off to get the new Joe Satriani. Kirk man, you need to give the new Joe a listen and put it in the rotation.

Later dudes!
Hey Kev,

Good to here your doing so well on the bass bro! I tried guitar when I was in highschool. The guitar I had was a hand-me-down that my parents had and the frets were just too small for my fingers. Got pretty frustrating as you can imagine and I ended up just putting it away. Keep at it, man. Maybe one of these days I'll pick one up and try it again. My 7 year old told me the other day he wanted to learn the guitar and the drums both, so we'll see what turns out there. He's really into AC/DC and Ratt :rock: (of course his father doesn't have anything to do with that ;) )!
averagem2 said:
the frets were just too small for my fingers.

Have you looked into playing the bass? :P

averagem2 said:
My 7 year old told me the other day he wanted to learn the guitar and the drums both, so we'll see what turns out there. He's really into AC/DC and Ratt :rock: (of course his father doesn't have anything to do with that ;) )!

he he he :kickass:

Sounds cool man. If you can talk the 'lil lady into getting a kit you should let the kid try the drums. Even if he never runs with it he'll be happy you gave him the chance and let him explore. And who knows... you might like it too.

Hm... Maybe you and Kirk could start up the next kid band... you know like Kris Kross or the one that Steve Vai did. :P
The only guitar I've tried was the six-string acoustic that my parents had. It wasn't even your normal size acoustic, kind of like mid-size I guess you could say. I have always been kind of fascinated with the bass, though. Ever since I heard Cliff Burton play when I picked up "Kill 'em All" for the first time. :rock: Maybe one of these days I'll pick one up and try it. Who knows, maybe I'll pick up a drum kit for my son and learn those myself.

Kind of funny that you mention the kid band that Steve Vai produced. You ever heard it? I picked it up way back when out of sheer curiousity, they were actually a pretty talented group of kids. Probably beat the hell out of any of these pissy little "Boy Bands", too. :grin:

The music supply magazines have starter kits for $300. You could just get a cheapo bass for $150.

The free version of Guitar Pro is more than enough for you to learn some songs on.

Think about it man.
It's definitely something we are looking into. As long as it's something that my kids especially are interested in I will do all I can to make sure they get the opportunity. What kind of magazines should I be looking for?
averagem2 said:
It's definitely something we are looking into. As long as it's something that my kids especially are interested in I will do all I can to make sure they get the opportunity. What kind of magazines should I be looking for?

Here's the link to the Web page for AMS.

And here's the bass I got.

I am sure there are other places and other deals, but this is the only one I am aware of.

Good luck!
MUAHHAHHAHH!!! The band is almost complete!! :muahaha:

Tyler Jase Nowlan
August 10th, 2004
Born @ 9:20am
8lbs. 5 oz.
21 3/4 inches

Congrats man. Good to know everything went well and everyone is healthy. From what I've read the trick to having three is zone defense. :P

Good luck.

Kev, what do you think of the new Satriani now that you've had a couple weeks with it?

It really really cool.

It's got a great mix of the old school playful nature and sound mixed with the inflence of the almost techno sound experiemnts he's done on the last two albums. In some places the sound is a bit heavier. It almost as if they listed to Via's Alien Love Secrets when they were bringing a few of the songs together. There are shades of that crunch mixed in with the "brassy" sound from Surfing. Every song is a different tone/mood and type of groove. It's really neat.

He sings on a few songs and they're pretty catchy. It's still the Joe brand of singing, but it's fun (as opposed to Eric Johnson :P) If you like the kind of jam session groove stuff it's there. It'd make great driving music if my stinkin' CD player worked. I've had to settle for ripping it and putting a few tunes in my "wake up" mix and a few in my "evening chillout" mix.

Go buy it!
