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New Metal Member
Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to say "Hello" and introduce myself. My name is Kirk and I own/operate the website and online radio station STICKMAN RADIO.

I'm happy to be a part of The Classic Metal Network, since joining forces with them last year, Neely and Chris have provided me with some of the best content I could offer to my listeners. Things I was missing like... Weekly shows, interviews with the artists, music reviews, as well as new releases and listener parties.

I would like to invite all of you to visit STICKMAN RADIO and check out the tunes, maybe register and browse the playlist, make some requests and simply enjoy the best hard rock and heavy metal there is to offer on the Internet!

Thanks for your support!

Sup fellas !! Hey, for those of you who have not yet turned on to STICKMAN RADIO, you need to check that shit out !! Rawkin tunes and cool peeps !!

Anyway...just wanted to say hey and Kirk, I'm still waiting to beta test your 128k feed :OMG: lol

Latez !!
Hey Nate,

I wish I could offer you guys that, but my ISP sucks so bad lately that I can barely keep the 56k and 24k streams a flowing.

This is pretty much what my cable modem does while uploading....
uploading yeah its more like up-chucking...

That's great!

Oh well, maybe someday when they actually protect their network from viruses and spam and such....yeah right? What the hell am I thinking?


I finnaly made it. For some reason Yahoo was sending the notices to the spam folder. I dig the new forums dude, but I do have one complaint... I've have to rebuild my post count! :loco:

By the way I like the new choice in icons.

Hey man!

Glad you stopped in and checked out the forums! Yeah the icons crack me up!

You were a madman in my site forums so I'm sure you will do well here!
Check out some of the other forums in the main page. Good stuff.. plenty of reading, lots of official forums, etc.

How is the bass playing coming? Hope it works out for you, don't give up man!

You were a madman in my site forums so I'm sure you will do well here!

I'll try to liven things up with a rant, but I am a lot busier than I was 6 months ago. I have a major project due next Thursday and so I haven't had the time to get upset with anything.... it's all I can do to keep up with it. I'll try to find something to help ya with the post count.

How is the bass playing coming? Hope it works out for you, don't give up man!

It's comming slowly but surely... My little effeminant pinky and ring finger on the left hand are having a hard time keeping up, but they are getting sronger. I've got these wicked sick calluses starting in my right hand. I am learning to play a few AC/DC songs without needing the tab. Since the sound is the same I'm trying to take these songs and use them to learn other AC/DC songs by ear. I am also trying Bon Jovi and Def Lepard, but the hands are still too weak. I can sort of do some Iced Earth (Something Wicked trilogy) on quarter or half speed, but man it is tough.

Anyway I have to go get 6 hours of sleep...