Found a site for ADC/DAC specs and would like to get your impressions...


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
So, a friend and I have been having an online discussion about interfaces, conversions, preamps, etc. Through our cumulative searches, we've found some interesting things, and I'd like to get feedback from you guys.

First here is a site that lists the type of converters used in a variety of audio interfaces. The site is not in English, but the specs are:

Here is also a thread on a forum that lists some as well:

Now, here is the AKM website, which lists the specs for their converters:

In taking JUST the idea of converters, and using the specs listed, you can see that something like the E-MU 0404USB utilizes the same converters as an RME Fireface 800...Obviously the converters used doesn't tell the whole story, but as far as AD and DA conversion goes, we hear a lot of talk about certain interfaces being used for their great conversion and whatnot, and generally these well regarded units garner a higher pricetag than a $200 0404USB.

Now, to expound on the converters only idea AND the "slam the converters in mastering" thread posted on here a couple weeks back, I am now wondering if - for a low cost option - something like an E-MU 0404USB used for conversion only in mastering would be better audio quality wise than using something like the standard Firepod (which has seemingly lesser spec'd AD DA conv.)...In a scenario like this, the pres are of no consequence IF you can truly bypass them on a unit like the 0404.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

What do you guys make of these specs?
I have heard the 0404 has great converters, but this quote from Black Lion Audio's website has always stuck with me:

BLA said:
Much of pro audio equipment uses poor quality analog signal chain components. In the world of converters, there is a pervasive myth that the converter quality matters the most, and that the analog stages are not important. We know that this isn't true. In MOTU's case, the use of NJM4580 and NJM2115 opamps is one of the biggest liabilities to sound quality.

A second weak spot is definitely the clock. It's based around Texas Instruments TLC2933, which is a VCO and PLL all in one. Jitter is high in comparison to good converter clocks-the datasheet claims at least 120 picoseconds, although I suspect it's much higher than that because of power supply noise.

Here's the full page. So I think there's more to good conversion than just the converters themselves. However, this is not to say the EMU is bad, I'm just not certain...
In reading up on the specs and data sheets of various converters, too, the converter itself is often described as resistant to jitter, especially in the nicer converter specs, I wonder if that helps any.

I know the singular component of the converter type isn't the be all end all, but with as much as we put on the converter quality, I was quite surprised to see the interfaces among vastly different price points that DID use the same ones.

Just food for thought and discussion.

I am, however, VERY tempted to spend 200 bucks to test something like that E-MU. It'd be nice to have something small like that so I could keep my rack of pres and external stashed away to only use when recording and use something like this to mix/master with until I could really afford real (hehe) high quality stuff. I just can't come to terms with USB for audio apps, though...Don't know why.
I have heard the 0404 has great converters, but this quote from Black Lion Audio's website has always stuck with me:

Here's the full page. So I think there's more to good conversion than just the converters themselves. However, this is not to say the EMU is bad, I'm just not certain...

not to say that converter quality doesn't matter...but i wouldn't read too much into the opinions that are published by people who make their living by convincing people that they need to dish out hundreds of dollars for converter upgrades
demo them, and let you ears do the talking. every converter has a different flavor to it.... i prefer apogee but there definitly colored compared to a mytec or ua2192 which are clean or colored in there own way...