Four Loko


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Britfag here.

So... my best friend went over to Cali a couple of weeks ago with a few of his friends to do some work on warped. Anyway, within the first week I had a call off one of the other dudes saying he'd fallen off a horse and broke his neck. Immediatly I thought this was a joke as its happened numerous times before..."Sammys dead", "Sammys in prison", "Sammys too beaked up to come to the phone"... endless, stupid things.

But anyway, it turns out he DID break his neck falling off a horse and ended up in hospital with metal disks in his spine. First I was worried sick, his mum flew out there etc but hes fine. Gonna make a full recovery with no real side effects. Very lucky.

I found out it was down to a drink called Four Loko. He said he had 2 of these things, blacked out and woke up in hospital 3 days later, not being able to speak, move his arms and in a neck brace.

I've read a bit about this drink but...WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?!?

Numerous sites and forums have called it "liquid cocaine".

One of the other guys has bought me a can back from over there now I'm contemplating wether to go near this shit.

Any of you guys got any words of experience? Thoughts? Pros? Cons?

I'm intrigued cuz apparently its getting taken off the market in the US pretty soon.
I have never heard of it but I'm intrigued. Not intrigued in the sense that I want to piss-drunk and get thrown off a horse and break my neck, but intrigued that I've never heard of something that strong that's legal (for the moment, anyway).
Around here, we buy them for people who haven't tried them(like 2$ a piece) as a joke, because once you taste it, you regret it. It's the shitiest tasting drink you will ever have. Ever had soda without the sweet flavor? Imagine that with alcohol.
Me and my friends have a drink based around this... It's called the Sidewalk Slam.

Take a 40oz of OE or Mickey's, drink it down to the label, and fill it back up with Four Loko. It sounds disgusting but tastes suuuuuper good and gets you pretty fucked up. I'm having one tonight before our rival soccer game haha.
Yeah, i tried it that night. Forgot I posted this thread.

I had one can and felt pretty weird. I dont drink that much!

I was half drunk, half hyper. I played football for 2 hours non stop. Overhead kicks included!
Yea they taste like shit and have the equivalent of like 5 beers each. They are the size of like a normal 22 oz, so thats just under two beers worth of volume but they are 11 or 12% alch as opposed to 5% of your generic cheap beer. There's probably your normal energy drink type stuff in there too

Nothing really special, you'd get fucked up way harder doing liquor, and it does taste so awful that it did prevent me at least from drinking it fast lol

Its nowhere near what setyouranchor heard lol
It's for pussies. If you want to get 6 beers drunk, drink 6 beers! :lol: Actually, I've never tried it. But I always thought it looked suspicious. A friend apparently woke up in a jail cell after having too many of these. Still, I can't imagine they really get you into more trouble than hard liquor.
It's not really all that complicated guys. It's a fairly strong energy drink mixed with 12% alcohol content in a 23.5oz can. It's the same concept as Jager bombs (Redbull + Jager)... Alcohol is a depressant. Energy drinks are stimulants. Mixing them together fucks you up.
Meh. Here's an ages old recipe for successful alcoholocaustic experimentation:

1) Get one (1) 0.7 liter bottle of 32% (or similar) clear booze and two (2) 0.5 liter bottles of your energy drinks of choice. My favourite for this is ED, but I'm not sure if it's available everywhere. Battery, Red Bull and such will do just fine.
2) Get a 0.5 liter pint glass. Mix about 50% booze and 50% energy drink. Drink up. Have a beer every once in a while when the taste gets boring.
3) Repeat until the bottles are empty.
4) Transform into your secret alter ego, Awesome Man.

No, it doesn't get you "fucked up" or anything, it just gets you majorly drunk and removes the need to pass out before everyone else :)
I think you guys are making this a bigger deal than it is. It's just cheap as fuck alcohol.

Alcohol fucks you up when excessively consumed? that must be bullshit :Smokin:

Gotta say though, I'd love to get wasted for just a few euros - I don't think you can get 11% energy drink mixes out here, at least I haven't seen them, just 4,5% ones.