FOX News

I'm too busy listening to Danzig right now, can't watch.

I can't imagine how many of those quotes were taken out of context, especially since few if any included the entire sentence. Granted, Fox News is obviously a more right than left media outlet, but the problem lies within the newscasters more than the content. They don't show wholly different stories than say MSNBC or CNN, just the commentary is obviously different. People like Sean Hannity should be arrested for blatantly lying to the public, but at least real people like Shephard Smith are on the station as well.

Actually I guess more like 99% of the talking heads on Fox News are jerks near Hannity's level. Fuck'em. :loco:
Hmm.... not one Alan Colmes clip, multiple phrases taken out of context to make them look like the journalists were saying something different. Ohh, how shocking.

Propaganda backlashing propaganda. It's as relevant as Farenheit 9/11 or any political ad.
I don't think I get it then, unless they are just trying to show how FNC uses sensational tactics. Also I don't understand the picture of the wolf at the end, unless the wolf eats the fox or buttrapes him or something.

Then again I'm never quite clear of the motives behind
One Inch Man said:
I don't think I get it then, unless they are just trying to show how FNC uses sensational tactics. Also I don't understand the picture of the wolf at the end, unless the wolf eats the fox or buttrapes him or something.

Then again I'm never quite clear of the motives behind
Simply trying to create heat against FNC by showing us spliced togehter soundbytes that point to an outright Republican/Conservative agenda. Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhh Foxnews bad bad bad, all other news stations are truly fair and balanced but not that evil Fox News.
Yeah the anti-Fox thing has always bugged me. Okay yes, it's conservative. So is the Wall Street Journal and the Weekly Standard. The Los Angeles Times and New York Post are both liberal. Good! Best part about American media is you have a choice in what you read or watch. Maybe some day all the media outlets will be run by Murdoch, but that isn't the case today. When he owns CBS, NBC, and ABC, then I'll worry.
Dark One said:
Simply trying to create heat against FNC by showing us spliced togehter soundbytes that point to an outright Republican/Conservative agenda.
Well, they do have an agenda. Of course, their not the only ones. It's a shame that when we get our news, we have to consider the source. Whatever happened to just reporting the facts?

Again, regardless of which way you lean, or whatever bias a newstation has, you have to admit, as news broadcasting *technique* goes, Fox News is utterly diabolical. Just watch Bill O'Reilly - pick any of his broadcasts. What kind of journalism is that? I cannot imagine any university teaching journalism would cite Fox News as a station that can be leveraged for teaching example.

You don't really have to watch this trailer to know that the 'method' in which they present the news articles is unorthodox. It's highly sensationalized and therefore borderline tabloid. Absolutely, be as far right wing as you want to be, but for fucks sake, show some decorum.
So is that what this Outfoxed thingy is about then? To show how much Fox News resembles shows like A Current Affair? Maybe just because it should be painfully obvious to anyone who watches Bill O'reilly for 11 seconds, but I don't see the big deal in making a documentary of it.

So where is the line drawn between aggressive reporting and bully tactics? Obviously fuckers like O'reilly and Hannity use the bully tactics, but who would be a good example of an aggressive journalist? Koppel?
One Inch Man said:
So is that what this Outfoxed thingy is about then? To show how much Fox News resembles shows like A Current Affair? Maybe just because it should be painfully obvious to anyone who watches Bill O'reilly for 11 seconds, but I don't see the big deal in making a documentary of it.
Oh I see. I think it's running concurrently with a petition to have Fox News drop the moniker, "Fair and Balanced". It's a bit like O'Reilly calling his segment the "No Spin Zone".

So where is the line drawn between aggressive reporting and bully tactics? Obviously fuckers like O'reilly and Hannity use the bully tactics, but who would be a good example of an aggressive journalist? Koppel?
Aggressive journalism is crap! It's American sensationalism. Even the titles "War on Terror" or "Operation Iraqi Freedom". For the love of goat, this is just glamour to win an audience.

Who's shouting at interviewees on BBC America or EuroNews? And why is it that overseas news & journalism is automatically deemed liberal? Wouldn't they be the most objective? Britain is as much a part of this war as the USA, and yet the British news seems not to rely on sensationalism.
What I mean by aggressive journalism is like the people that aren't afraid to ask "the tough questions" and such.

I'm not terribly familiar with overseas news, but what I have seen is pretty objective (I think The Guardian is great). For objective news in the US you have to watch your local news. I watch KCAL 9 news, it is the :kickass: equivalent of journalism. Plus a lot of their talking heads are hot Asian women. :kickass:
One Inch Man said:
Yeah the anti-Fox thing has always bugged me. Okay yes, it's conservative. So is the Wall Street Journal and the Weekly Standard. The Los Angeles Times and New York Post are both liberal.
I think you mean the New York Times...the Post is property of Rupert Murdoch and has its lips firmly planted on Bush's ass. Fox may be attempting to drop "fair and balanced" on its own, the phrase is missing from their most recent outdoor advertising, at least here in New York.
One Inch Man said:
I'm not terribly familiar with overseas news, but what I have seen is pretty objective (I think The Guardian is great).
The Guardian is pretty left wing. Otherwise, it's a good newspaper with great articles. Newspaper organizations can get away with being overtly biased all around the world, or so it seems.

Here's how the BBC works. I'm not sure if you know this, but in the UK, all BBC television and radio stations are commercial free. They are also terrestrial stations which means EVERYONE in the country can pick up the Beeb on a regular tv (no cable needed). However, lack of advertising comes with a price: the cost of a TV license. Yes, in the UK you are LEGALLY obliged to pay the TV/Radio license (they actually have vans roaming neighborhoods to see who hasn't yet paid by the cut off date, and you will be prosecuted if you haven't paid the fee). Because of this, the BBC is forced to remain objective (since it's channeled into every home across the nation) and then you get into the discussion regarding "watchdog" organizations to monitor the newsfeeds.

You do get Public TV and Radio here as well, which I always thought were independent, but most conservatives will tell you that they are a bunch of liberals, so I don't know what to watch or listen to anymore when I want something completely independent.

For objective news in the US you have to watch your local news. I watch KCAL 9 news, it is the :kickass: equivalent of journalism. Plus a lot of their talking heads are hot Asian women. :kickass:
The CNN newscasters are getting hotter by the minute. That chick who does the morning news could be Playboy material.
What else is new. No pun intended. "News" should be replaced by the word "Stories of The Day." Afterall, that's all it really is anyhow. Just someone's account of something of account of something.
Just watched Outfoxed, it was good. Some stuff was a little taken out of context, but a lot of stuff was REALLY good, and couldn't be misconstrued in any other way but the fact that Fox News is pretty evil. Second half much stronger than the first.
Regardless, I don't understand how anyone can ever defend Fox News as being a worthy news station just through means of their tabloid-like delivery. Nothing to do with which way they lean, it is like watching Jerry Springer, but oh well.....anything to keep the red states happy.
Well yeah, you don't watch it for news, you watch it for the tabloid aspect. I keep forgetting that most Americans don't realize that stuff like FNC is just sensationalistic entertainment, the polls on Outfoxed were frightening (held by someone else, I forget who). Something like 67% of FNC viewers surveyed thought there was a connection between Al-qaeda and Iraq, compared to 7% of PBS-NPR viewers. That 7% is scary, but the 63% just boggles the mind!