FOX News

Oh yeah, 'tis the same the world over. The biggest selling newspaper in the UK is The Sun. The average layman is pretty fucking dumb, and so tabloid sells. It's even easier to sell when you post some tits on page 3.
Best source EVAR:

hahahaha that rocks. But seriously, excellent question. I used to be thankful that America didn't need to worry about crackpot politicians like a lot of other countries because any around either had limited power or didn't last long. This dude just became president! AGAIN!
There are probably 10 people on this planet that if I ever saw them, I would commit much violence against their person, unprovoked (a preemptive strike, if you will). Hannity is on that list, not only is he a whackjob neo-conservative, but he's STUPID!
JayKeeley said:
Still, even the European tabloid press is vehemently anti-US leadership. Best front page ever:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And as far as Fox news goes, I wish someone would shoot that Irish cocksucker Sean Hannity. I hate that motherfucker. He needs to die quickly.

But then again, he isn't important enough to be shot.