
Yes With Chris Jericho On Vocals The First Album Consisted of Some Great Covers and I believe there was a Second Record Right? Did ot have Originals? I cant remember .... So yep I'v heard of em!
The rest of the band were guys from Stuck Mojo. If I remember right the gimmick was that they actually invented Metal, but got stuck in Japan and everybody else ripped off their songs. Last I heard, the band were going to concentrate on their own material, but whether this was before or after the second album I couldn't tell you.
Yeah, they had that amusing gimmick with the Japan thing and they also wore 80's style big hair wigs over their real hair :D . The first album was about 80% covers, the second one was 50%, and supposedly they are working on a new one with ALL originals. They indeed covered some classic Metal gems, the only downfall of the whole thing was Chris Jericho singing on every track :puke:

I would recommend anyone into Metal to pick these up, simply because they feature Rich Ward on guitar and Bud Fontsere on drums, both formerly of Stuck Mojo. Say what you will about that band (I think they were awesome, IMO), those guys bleed the color of Metal!

Also, if you can get your hands on anything by Sick Speed, this is Rich's unsigned band that released material exclusively on the internet. This is EXCELLENT hard rock that combines elements of past and current music.
mmm I don't like to say negative things usually, but honestly Fozzy is one of the worst bands I've seen on stage. I've seen better local bands, really.

The singer was terrible (he even tried to sing "Freewheel Burning", "Stand Up and Shout", .... *oh my god*), the use of 3 guitars was totally uneffective, and they butchered some Metal classics during their one hour long set. At least they were quite funny and happy to play in Germany... but that's it.

As for the album, I listened to "Happenstance", most of the songs are (bad) covers (please hire a real singer guys), and the rest was so-so in my opinion, maybe one or two good originals.
I have a hard time understanding the fuzz about this band, maybe because the guys in Fozzy are known for other activities...
Fangface said:
mmm I don't like to say negative things usually, but honestly Fozzy is one of the worst bands I've seen on stage. I've seen better local bands, really.

The singer was terrible (he even tried to sing "Freewheel Burning", "Stand Up and Shout", .... *oh my god*), the use of 3 guitars was totally uneffective, and they butchered some Metal classics during their one hour long set. At least they were quite funny and happy to play in Germany... but that's it.

As for the album, I listened to "Happenstance", most of the songs are (bad) covers (please hire a real singer guys), and the rest was so-so in my opinion, maybe one or two good originals.
I have a hard time understanding the fuzz about this band, maybe because the guys in Fozzy are known for other activities...

I'll have to agree with you there...when I first checked them out, I thought it was a joke...and then realized they are pretty serious. Anyway - they seem to be enjoying themselves, and that's all that really counts. I just don't see much substance in any of their music - pretty run of the mill stuff that's been done before a hundred times. In my opinion, of course - my taste isn't the same as everyones...
I only know Fozzy cuz of Chris Jericho. I'm a big wrestling fan but not a big Fozzy fan. They're an okay band I guess... I didn't really like how they butchered Ozzy's "Over the Mountain" track... but that gimmick they had a long while ago was pretty entertaining.
I know Fozzy through being a big "Jerichaholic". Chris Jericho is one of my favorite wrestlers, so I thought i'd support "Y2J" and check it out. And it's ok Some cool covers, but also some stinkers And the original songs off the second album, "Happenstance" aren't too shabby, though. Well, SOME of them, at least.
I haven't heard any of Fozzy's original material but the cover songs I've heard have been pretty good. The music and vocals have an 80's vibe to them but with a bit more of an edge with a decent production. I particularly like the covers of Accept's Balls To The Wall and Motley Crue's Live Wire. Also Chris Jericho does a great version of KISS' King of the Night Time World on the most recent KISS tribute album Spin The Bottle: An All Star Tribute to KISS.