framus cobra donkey says....

Jan 11, 2007
Thumbs down the titties are sour.

My band has been trying out guitarist lately so I am hearing whatever amp the dudes bring in. I was all pumped to hear this one guys framus cobra through a mesa recto cab.

It sounded all right when he played it by himself, but it just vanished when he played along with the drummer and myself. I was using my old peavey 5150 with a marshall cab. Maybe he just had the framus dialed in strangely but I didn't hear a $3000 amp. In fact I thought my used 5150 that you can pick up for 500 to 600 dollars used in states completely blew it out of the water.

Any way my two cents. Feel free to through poop at me.
Odd..I run a cobra with the matching 412 cab and my other guitarist runs a 5150 with a cobra 412...and my cobra slays the hell out of the 5150. We are both boosting with tube screamers. He's running a Les Paul standard with emgs and I'm playing a caparison Horus with a motherbucker in the it's all top sounding gear. The two Amps compliment each other decently well. Those are my results.
This is the same scenario I experienced in one of the first bands I was in. The other guitarist got a Framus Cobra and it sounded ok on it's own but was unhearable with the whole band playing. We were pretty stupid with tone back then so it probably was set badly (no magic TS either)

I have since recorded with a Cobra to compliment my 5150 and they have always worked well together on recordings.
I've seen this, not with this particular amp. It's like the amp has so much happening on its own that it doesn't have its own frequency space to live in with other instruments.
I've encountered the same problem with a Framus Cobra vs. a 5150 in a live setting. However, the Framus Cobra in question was left out in the rain overnight by its owner before the gig, then dried with a hair dryer. :lol:
The guy playing the cobra also tried out using my 5150 and played us bark at the moon and sounded great. I never did get to play the cobra myself so he may have just had jacked up settings. I wish I could have played it because I had never even seen one before.

We had a different guy try out the other day too. He had an old Crate blue voodu that also sounded good alone but vanished in the mix. After the guy left the drummer and I both agreed that the blue voodu sounded very similar to the cobra.

I am going to cross my fingers and hope the dude that tries out on sunday has a dual rec and knows how to use it.
I played on a Framus Cobra in studio and I wasn't very impressed with it's tone at all. It may be one of those love it or hate it things; I'm not sure.
framus cobra just needs it's matching cab, in other words greenback speakers.
otherwise it's not 100% cobra...

it does tend to be the general consensus that cobras and V30's don't mesh well at all. the dragon however sounded great through my boogie cab. cobra....not so much.