Framus Cobra


Jul 7, 2009
Is $1800 US a good deal for a Framus Cobra head in a flight case, with a Dragon cab a good deal?

I currently play through a XXX halfstack, and want to get something different. I was considering a Krank Rev1, 5150, or maybe even a Mark IV. I came across the Framus and have been tempted...

Here is a link to my band's myspace:
Anyone have any thoughts on what amp would sound good for this style of music?

Edit: Should've mentioned I don't really want a Recto, and I'm not a Marshall guy.
I dont think you should get it personally, I know insomnium used it on an album or two and i thought I loved the tone, but i realized i just think there music is phenomenal lol. I would honestly just play as many amps as possible through friends and store etc. Also look at as many reviews as possible. Here is a list of amps and such i was given by someone over teh interwebz so dont quote me on what it says, but it might be a start

ENGL Special Edition
Bogner XTC/Ecstacy
Mesa/Boogie Mark IV
Mesa/Boogie Mark V
Carvin V3
Carvin Legacy
Diezel VH4
Framus Cobra
Mesa/Boogie Roadster
ENGL INvader
Splawn Nitro
Bogner Uberschall
Cornford MK50
Diezel Herbert
Framus Dragon
ENGL Powerball
Mesa/Boogie Roadster
Soldano Avenger
Soldano SLO
Cornford Hellcat
Krank Krankenstine
Krank Rev
framus cobra is a great amp, i used to own one for a couple of years. sold it because i just didn't get along with sounded awesome in other peoples hands, but didn't fit my particular playing style at all.
well, if you're not a marshall guy (how do you know?), and don't want a recto, you could look at the 5150 (most versatile metal amp there is...can do anything from 80s stuff to grindcore. the cleans suck though ^^), or engl fireball/blackmore/savage/invader depending on your budget and features you want.

1800$ sounds pretty steep to me, but then again framus stuff is much cheaper over here, maybe the price is fine. fwiw, over here you can grab a used cobra head for 900 euro all day long. the cab isn't too expensive either.
Thanks for all the responses! I think I'm going to pass on this one. I went to a GC near by last night, and they didn't have shit. I'll have to go to another to play some of their amps. I've played a 5150, Dual and Triple Recs, and a few different Marshalls. It's been years since the 5150 and Dual, so maybe I should check them out again.

To answer the question how I do I know I'm not a Marshall guy; My first halfstack was an AVT 150 (had for 3 yrs, in the shop 1/2 that time). I bought a TSL to replace it. When I started playing heavier music I started to dislike my TSL. Recorded a demo with the TSL and a JCM 800, then immediately traded the Marshall for a Rectoverb. I like the Mesa-ish sound better, just wanted to try something other than Recto's (nothing against them).
well, the avt can hardly considered to be a prime example of the marshall sound, and the tsl is very hit and miss...i loved the crunch channel for thrash metal, but for anything heavier it's not quite cutting it imho.

but what i DO know is that i own a jcm 800 2210, and that's got to be one of the best amps ever. the lead tone is stellar, you can play the heaviest of metal even without a boost, and it ALWAYS cuts through the mix (live, i mean). the clean sucks hard though, that's why i'm not really using it anymore...

well, engl is pretty good if you want something different than the usual 5150/recto thing....but it's not for everyone. i just don't get along with engl very well, they're really tight at the expense of any real chunk as far as my experience goes. i'm not talking about a lack of bottom end, there's plenty, but there's something in the lower mids and a glassy highend that just feels weird to me.

the cobra's crunch channel (the one you'd want to use for metal rhythm, lead is just too much imho) sounds sort of like a marshall on steroids with a lower mid centered voicing than the marshalls. with the notch engaged it's scoop city, with it disengaged it's almost honky. when i still had it i think i mainly used it with the notch engaged and mids cranked. notch sucks out a lot of perceived volume though, and the cobra doesn't feel like the loudest amp ever anyways.

5150 is a beast and my go to weapon. just love the midrange snarl of that one, and the chunk.
Yeah, I mentioned the AVT more because of the reliability issue that left a bad taste. Then the TSL just didn't quite break up the way I wanted it to. That paired with the tone of the clean channel is what turned me off on Marshall. I will say I remember the JCM 800 sounding really good, but if I recall it was a single channel.

Definitely sounds like the Framus wouldn't be a good fit for me. The only thing I have against the 5150 is the clean channel, but I rarely play clean now without effects, so that might not be a big issue. I don't know of any place near by to try an might be time to revisit the Dual Rec. I definitely want to play a Rev1 before I buy anything though.
btw, there's a workaround for the 5150 clean issue:

you get a signal splitter, use one side for example with a boost, and go directly into the amp just as normal. for the other side you get something like a cheap modeler (i bought a behringer vamp pro for that purpose, after all it's just for clean not distortion), and run that one into the fx return.

now you can switch between your distorted sound (straight into the amp) and the clean sound of the modeler (which even has built in effects!) by (dis)engaging the fx loop. with the fx loop on you'll only get the clean modeler signal, off it's just the amp.
you can even use the crunch switch on the "clean" channel of the 5150 and set that channel as your rhythm tone, and switch between crunch and lead for rhythm vs lead. effectively makes the 5150 a 3 channel head with built in effects for clean sounds. works like a charm, trust me.
only downside is you'll have to carry a small rack to gigs, too.
i actually rackmounted my wireless, tuner, the splitter, and the tube screamer and wired everything up nice and clean. setup is a breeze that way. plug in your guitar, cabinet, one cable to the 5150 input, another one into the fx return, footswitch, DONE.

btw, i'm not sure, but the 5150 II has a better clean channel iirc.
and while i'm at it, make sure to try the 5150 III, too. testament formation is a prime example of that tone.
The Cobra is a crushing amp. I find it to be very 5150ish. It has that "chunky grind" the 5150 has, yet smoother.
It's been a while since I've played a 5150. They should sound quite a bit better than a XXX though shouldn't they? I definitely want a different sound than what I'm getting now. It's not bad, I've just been playing the same setup for too long.
I wouldn't pay more than $1200 USD for a used Cobra in near-mint condition. $1800 is waaaaaay overpriced.

And as someone else mentioned, the build quality isn't the best. Screen resistors blowing out from dying power tubes seem to be one issue, as well as the output transformer blowing on some others. Also the tolex is really thin and cheap, and the silver paint on the front face plate wears off really, really easily.
Well he is paying about $1200 for the head since he said he is getting both the head and cab for $1800. The dragon cab has vintage 30's in it if I'm not mistake. If both pieces are in mint condition, I'd say it's a decent deal. I paid $1300 for a like new dragon top and used marshall 1960B.
Can't speak for the cab but the head is great. I've been through a shitload of hi-gain heads and it's easily one of my favorites and 1 of the 2 in my live rig. I've had mine for almost 2 years I guess and it has been perfect. No issues and it wasn't new when I got it either. As far as price couldn't tell you. I traded another amp for mine.