Frank Default

May 13, 2006
I didn't see any dedicated threads to him. Saw some news that interested me quite a bit, wondering if anyone else knew anything about it?

Awesome excerpt:

Besides extracting the excisting backtracks (keyboards, strings, synthesizers, drum loops etc) from "NITND" and their last album "The Great Cold Distance" I was also asked to recreate and write new stuff for their older songs. These productions included "Tonights Music", "Wealth", "Saw You Drown", "Rusted", "Ghost Of The Sun", "For My Demons", "Evidence", "Disposession", "Complicity" and "Omerta".

Also on this page listen to "About", Katatonia needs to record using this as a backtrack!:

I wonder does anyone have anyway of getting any of the NITND backtracks or Unfurl and Code Against the Code?

LOVE Default's work!
his website is pretty cool, i've read that blog too. Yeah I love his work, but I really only like the first half of the day and then the shade remix, i like electronic stuff sometimes, just didn't think that fit though, but yeah he's AAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAZZZZZZZIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG
Thanks man, I'm afraid I can't do that. My previous post was more meant as a "Show me your genitals. No.-type of comment" :) The backtrack recordings belongs to Katatonia and the songs they were written for, and are meant to be listened to in that context.

As some of you I would also really like to hear a surround mix of NITND but I guess it's a pretty complicated process for a product that maybe only a few will buy. I don't know what the future will bring, meanwhile I think I just will wait for the 4d microchip-version instead...

Good night Internet
I have a question Frank, how do you see your contribution to NITND? Do you see your work as complimenting the writing of the album, or do you consider the work you did on the album as parts that you wrote? I guess what I mean to say is . . . do you feel like you helped write the album, or came in and harmonized with the music that Anders and Jonas wrote?
Hey Heliotropic, I just learned the meaning of Heliotropism, good stuff :)

I came into the process at a very early stage where there only where sketchy bits and pieces of music which I helped out modelling and arranging and writing some basslines for etc. So I guess it was a bit of both but mainly my job was complementing/harmonizing with the music that Jonas and Anders had written.

You can read some more detailed stuff about the recording of NITND in my blog:
Two things I'd love to hear Frank. Rescpectfully understand that they belong to Katatonia. How about an Onward Into Battle Default Remix or just the entire album with nothing but Your backtracks and Jonas's voice? That would define beautiful relaxing music. I'd love to hear that and would gladly re-buy the album if it only was composed of that. Easy way to make some fast cash! :D
Two things I'd love to hear Frank. Rescpectfully understand that they belong to Katatonia. How about an Onward Into Battle Default Remix or just the entire album with nothing but Your backtracks and Jonas's voice? That would define beautiful relaxing music. I'd love to hear that and would gladly re-buy the album if it only was composed of that. Easy way to make some fast cash! :D

I gotta support this idea. It'd be really, really nice. And while you're at it, how about another Idle Blood remix as a bonus track? :D
The fans want it Frank! I probably the biggest fan of your work Frank, love what you have done, can't wait to see what you will do in the future. Your synth work on the new Katatonia deserves more of a spotlight. Placing it next to Jonas's voice alone would be magnificent.
Thank you guys, I really appreciate your support! I'd love to make another remix of the NITND material, but it's really not up to me to decide.

i aint play this: I guess it wasn't before me and David Castillo made the "Opium Dub" remix of My Twin, but I'd probably heard their music prior to that because me, Jonas and Anders had some mutual friends. I know for a fact I heard the Bewitched song "Hard as Steel (Hot as Hell)" about a millon times around 96-97 if that counts haha