Fred Phelps gloats over Swedish tsunami dead

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"Westboro Baptist Church leaders known for picketing the funeral of Matthew Sheppard, the young college student brutally murdered in Wyoming in 1998, have released the following statement regarding the tsunamis which hit Southeast Asia earlier in the week. The statement, which was posted on their website Wednesday alongside dozens of other archived 'press releases,' thanks God for the tsunami and for the death of any gay Swedish vacationers who perished at the time." [Excerpt: "God is laughing, mocking and taunting Swedes as they mourn & weep over their dead! ... Thank God for his vengeance, and we pray for worse and more of it upon Sweden."][/font]

..... yeah i dont know if any of you have seen the laramie project (doubt it), but basically... this guy just went on and on about how good it was that this guy was beaten for hours and then left for dead tied to a fence, because he was gay.

Pretty dumb stuff
Well I dont agree with the gay life style but its none of my business what other people do in their home. As far as the religion thing , a real religious man would feel sorrow for all those lives lost and not use it to brag about god.