freddy just wedged himself behind the fridge.


Aug 2, 2002
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usually he stays wherever i am, so i figured he was lying on the floor beneath my chair while i was on the phone... then i hear this weird sound of crunching paper bags and a squeal and i run to the kitchen and all i can see are his two little feet sticking out from behind the coils of the fridge. i'm glad he didn't fry himself the crazy bastard.

i had to drag the fridge out, crawl under the table and pull him out and he was covered in, ironically, dust bunnies.
My parents' rabbit once somehow let herself into the vegetable drawer when put on a diet
chupe, nah.... he just sort of sneezed a lot and kept wiping his nose.

kleo: when i had to restrict freddy's diet because of his metabolic problems he learned how to open boxes, and also how to open the kitchen cabinets.
Preps: If Fred did shows,I'd say bring him to the Nov. Doom gig next month. He sounds mad awesome to hang with.
i wish he'd go, but the noise would probably give him a bun-heart attack. i do have a a new carrier for him from burberry (meant for lapdogs)