Fredrik Nordstrom: Movie Critic?

Their new album is the best one since Dragonslayer. I imagine that the break in Doomlord where the dude speaks in swedish is what Tom Bombadil would sound like if they had put him in the LOTR movies.
I imagine that the break in Doomlord where the dude speaks in swedish is what Tom Bombadil would sound like if they had put him in the LOTR movies.

Those movies would have automatically been 10x better if Bombadil had been in them! Fuck, I hadn't read the books in so long that i forgot about that guy until right now!
Those movies would have automatically been 10x better if Bombadil had been in them! Fuck, I hadn't read the books in so long that i forgot about that guy until right now!

Well if you get a chance to listen to the song youd probably agree. Yes i know what you mean Im surprised they left him out of themovies. They still kick ass though. I mean whats sexier than an elf princesses sword.
man, clerks 2. i totally forgot that came out while i was here. ok first movie when i get back (sunday, holy fucking crap) is borat, followed shortly by clerks 2.