FREE CD from Anthrax's Oct 20th Washington DC opener

Floppy from Strawman

New Metal Member
Sep 27, 2003
Washington DC
The band STRAWMAN will be opening for Anthrax on Monday, October 20th at Jaxx in Springfield VA (near Washington DC).

To get a FREE CD of Strawman's music (in the US or Canada), simply email or send a PM to this account with your full address and your email address. A CD will be sent to you ASAP. The only thing the band asks in return is that if you like their music, you post something about them on a messageboard to help them spread the word. If you don't like the CD, please just pass it along to someone else who might.

That's it. FREE MUSIC. No gimmicks.

Strawman's sound is somewhere between old-school RHCP and Faith No More. Some free MP3s and video clips may be found on their website.


P.S. If you live in the DC area and have not yet purchased your ticket to the October 20th Anthrax show, PLEASE buy it from our website. The price is the same ($20), and we will also give you a FREE ticket to the finals of an enormous (300-band) battle being hosted at the same club (Jaxx) on November 29th. For details, go to