Free Green Carnation Cd!!! Contest!!!


Active Member
May 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
Well, I got a Green Carnation CD, and it's not quite my cup of tea...

GREEN CARNATION - Light of Day, Day of Darkness!

Maybe someone HERE would like this FREE CD!?!? REALLY! FOR REAL! IT COULD BE YOURS!!!

Well, tell me WHY you deserve it and not someone else, and I'll pick the lucky individual who will get it roughly by this time tomorrow... Get as nice, mean, ugly, insulting or scary and the most determined individual WILL win! :D

If you live OUTSIDE of the Continental United States... you cover shipping! :p (sorry)

Let the FUN begin! :lol
i have one cd of green carnation, and really, i will pay to the person that will take this **** (sith) from me....
please i will send it.. so, who want it?

the cd is light of day,day of darknss
Hmm...I deserve this cd because...I WANT IT!! :p.

No, sereiously...I feel I deserve this cd..because I live in ARKANSAS. Where metal cds are practically NONEXISTANT. So, I pretty much depend on the internet for great cds. :D. Plus, your cd needs a good home :)
Any other girl wanna go up against me???? I'll wrestle you in a pool of hot fudge in my bikini!! *rarrrrrrrrrr!!!*
*puts super pissed off game face on* BRING IT!!!! :p :lol:

Me! Me! I haven't got any Green Carnation but I've wanted it for months but since I live in a small village where you can only get CD's of bands which are popular, so I have no chances to get it :cry: I even checked the nearby town and they didn't have it :(

edit: Sorry, I didn't read the rules..oh well..
Originally posted by bleedingfilth
Hmm...I deserve this cd because...I WANT IT!! :p.

No, sereiously...I feel I deserve this cd..because I live in ARKANSAS. Where metal cds are practically NONEXISTANT. So, I pretty much depend on the internet for great cds. :D. Plus, your cd needs a good home :)
Any other girl wanna go up against me???? I'll wrestle you in a pool of hot fudge in my bikini!! *rarrrrrrrrrr!!!*
*puts super pissed off game face on* BRING IT!!!! :p :lol:
Uh, I'm a girl. :err: PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE let me fight you for it. :D :)

Xenophobe, send it to me. The reason is simple - I am godlike.

:)err: Yeh, I'm really gonna win with that...)
green carnation? is that album the one with only one (obviously huge) song on it? if the answer is yes, i already listened to it. it's not crap, at some points it's even slightly interesting, but my main comment is: zzzzzzzzzz.

so keep the album and everything you two might want to offer :D (bleedingfilth save your bikini, unless you want to swap it with mine).

thank you anyway, that was a nice idea. try with another album, now ;)
why do I deserve it? just because I'm always there when you have felt down and I have cheered you with a nice string of insults and lovingly called you bitch, and because I'm from a poor country, and we need as many free stuff you rich people of the world can spare, thanks

poverty stricken mexican
Carcass: Cool...Memphis is a lot better than Brinkley. I live about an hour away from you.
Xenophobe: Have sympathy for the fudge wrestling bikini wearing out of place metal head girlie! :cry:

rusty: You have a better chance of getting that cd in your town that I do in mine :lol:
Carcass: Brinkley, is right in between Little Rock Arkansas and Memphis TN. I can get to either in about an hour's time. At least you have malls and stuff there. I lived there for about 2 months. I saw some pretty decent cds there...just really EXPENSIVE! At least expensive is better than what I have which is nothing.
Originally posted by bleedingfilth

Xenophobe: Have sympathy for the fudge wrestling bikini wearing out of place metal head girlie! :cry:

Sympathy not needed... That's about the best reason I've heard so far! :yow:
Well, the submissions are in, and Thanatos is the runner up. Thanks for insulting me when I was depressed. :lol:

It takes a true friend to do that. :p

So, the fuzzy handcuffs, the bikini and the hot fudge wrestling is a winner!
Originally posted by bleedingfilth
Carcass: Brinkley, is right in between Little Rock Arkansas and Memphis TN. I can get to either in about an hour's time. At least you have malls and stuff there. I lived there for about 2 months. I saw some pretty decent cds there...just really EXPENSIVE! At least expensive is better than what I have which is nothing.

That's true, $18 for a CD. That's why I either use Ebay or The End. :)