Free Green Carnation Cd!!! Contest!!!

Oooo!! Yay!!! *dances around swinging my fuzzy handcuffs in the air* I won! :)
That was fun hehe.

~Zeanra~:I'll be sure to take very good care of it. :) Plenty of rotation in my cd player. *smiles*
THANATOS WAS ROBBED!!! Still, he DID win $1,000,000 for being the 1,000th "reason for buying Damage Done" poster (on which he didn't cheat in the slightest), so i guess it was someone elses turn! Haha.
lumly.. if you want this CD i can send you...
i really dont want him, and my friend dont want it too and my sister dont want it.. even my dog dont want to pee on this CD
so it's really no problem for me to send you...