FREE KEMPER BASS PROFILES (Mesa M6 carbine w/ Powerhouse 4x12)


Apr 18, 2008
Hey guys, real curious to hear what you think of these. I spent a couple of days profiling my rig, and I feel like I got some pretty nice profiles here. We are all different, and it will ultimately come down to taste, but I've got about 80 profiles in total. Feel free to try out a few here and let me know what you think. The profiles with TS next to them mean they are running through my Keeley modded TS-9DX. Profiles with the TS next to them are optimized for everything above 250hz. So if you throw on a HPF up to around 250 it should sound best. The m6 has 5 different voicing options which I found what felt like the sweet spot per mic, and ran them through the different voicings. This allows for some pretty varying tones per mic and position.