[FREE Logic Video Tutorial] Beat Mapping


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
** WARNING!! Vulgar Language!! **
The title purdee much says it all. This is a little doomaflatchee that will show you ONE way to beat Map your tunes.
This is a viewer request (better late than never, eh Shawn?) where the dood said the audio he was given wasn't recorded to a grid - and everything is out of wack - which makes it difficult to edit, etc.
The example tune that I use for this video is from Blutonium Boy & it shows a part which slows down dramatically.
There is always more than one way to do things in Logic - THIS ISN"T THE ONLY WAY!!!

I hope that you enjoy the video - please Subscribe if you dig it so you can get a notification when I post a new video.
Be creative & have fun!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGLIY29kdCo]Beat Mapping[/ame]
great as always man, tried to sunscribe to your channel yesterday but not working 4 some reason :( just gonna have to check often :)

Thanks for the kind reply.
That sucks that you can't Subscribe - sorry about that.
You ain't missing anything special, though .... but thanks a million for trying!
Very cool of you.
Hope you take care!
Nice one.. I was wondering how to do something similar recently.
Thanks again Scott!
I'll try to be good Scott... ;)
Finding it hard with all the lovely ladies kicking around (it's sunny here for once!)