[FREE Logic Video Tutorial] Stutter Kinda Like Jamie Foxx's "Blame It"


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
I have another video that is up and running.
This one covers that Stutter type of effect - I just give you a couple of ideas on where to find the tools to do the job.
As always - this isn't the only way to do this in Logic - I just show ONE way.
Also (as usual) - this video has vulgar language, immature rants, and goofy jokes.
This is probably the most boring video yet ... but I'm sure there will be more to come.
I hope that you enjoy it - or at least get a giggle from it.
Take care!
For some reason - I can't seem to get away from doin' videos that aren't aimed at Metal ... this sucks! Hopefully my next one will have something for us in it ... :rock:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu0bum6MSs8]Stutter Kinda Like Jamie Foxx's "Blame It"[/ame]
EDIT: I'm a newb to Logic after finally leaving PT for good.

Your videos are awesome! I have a question about using "audio to score" for drum replacment. Sometimes I have issues getting hits to pick up or it'll pick up the wrong drum, but adjusting the sensitivity removes actual hits of the drum you are working on (i.e. working on a snare drum that has a build up...you'll pick up other drums if you set the sensitivity low enough to pick up the build up). Is there a way to manually add hits or remove errant hits?
I would love if you did an acoustic drum editing vid! quantizing drums and such!
your videos kick ass my friend! Logic is a well oiled poo poo machine!

+1000! And how you handle the ins and outs of audio to score.
Awesome vid :D

I hate this fucking PC vs Mac bullshit... I'd seriously consider buying Logic if it was available for PC. However, I don't feel like buying a Mac just for Logic ... as I said, stupid computer war. GEEK WARS!
@ TRA: welcome to the Logic community. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Thank you for taking the time to watch and reply - it is very much appreciated. As for the request - I plan on making another video in the next few days. I will try to accommodate you.

@ beyond dea: that is actually on the drawing board (so to speak ... but I'm kinda lying because I don't really have a drawing board .... I'm just trying to impress y'all) I just got a couple of RAW drum tracks from Gojira ... the only problem is that the drums he sent to me sound really good already ... I was hoping for some drum tracks that sounded less professional. ;-)

@ SocialNumb: thank you so much for the continued support, sir. I always appreciate your input.

@ Gojira: thanks so much, sir. I hear ya on that PC versus Mac thingy. Would love to have you onboard in the Logiuc community - even if it was just to play around!
Wanted to tell you in private - but publically is just as good - thanks a million for the drum tracks. The Metal drums link didn't work - but the funkish link did. Thanks very much for going through the trouble of doing that.

Take care, fellas. I hope to have another video up in just a few days or so.
Thanks again to y'all for watching and commenting.
Take care!

Great vid. :cool: I've watched most of the recent videos you've made, and although I don't use mac or logic (reaper user) I still have to at least listen to the videos as I can't get enough of that freakin' accent! :grin:

Have you ever thought of doing something less Logic oriented? Like that falling into a well kind of effect or something? Something that can be applied to other daws too I mean. :)

And man, if you want some bad drumtracks, I think I may have some drumtracks that are out of time and sound bad too! Like swatting two flies at once. :grin:
Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and reply. I really appreciate everybody's support.
And I appreciate the kind words. As for doing something less Logic oriented - I have thought about it.
The only thing is that I know so little about everything (including Logic!). I wouldn't know where to start .... but it is a very good idea.
I will have to think about something that can be applied to other DAWs. Good input - thank you for that.
Take care & stay tuned!
Whoa! Very cool of you to do that, sir. I really do appreciate it very much.
Thanks, Neighbor!
I'm gonna go over there and check it out.
Take care!