Free Marillion Compilation

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Well it's a freebie so try some Marillion. I'm not a fan personally but I can appreciate the class of the band. This comp is sanctioned by the band themselves as a good way of finding out about the band. You can also get a free physical CD from the band's website if you are that way inclined. By the way that site has a lot of free mp3s, most of it unsgned though.
Cool of them to do. I am still a much bigger fan of the earlier Fish years though. I've seen the H fronted band a number of times, and they are still very talented, but I've grown further and further away over the years. I'll still put on those early albums though. Timeless.
I think these free samplers are brilliant. I haven't been much into Marillion since This Strange Engine (utterly beautiful album, that) but I'll give this a listen and see if the flame can be rekindled.
I tried a few different discs in my time and I just never saw the appeal of Marillion. The sample is a brilliant way to draw new fans, so I'll give them another shot. Hell, I almost missed out on P.O.S. back when "One Hour by the Concrete Lake" came out.

I bought the disc, listened to it once and tossed it aside as a pile as shit. A few months later I just happened to come across the cd, laying in the same place I had tossed it, and gave it another try. It blew my mind! I immediately went to lasercd and ordered "Entropia". I stayed a fan until the latest disc, which put P.O.S. on my "no longer blind buy" list.

So, if you didn't like them before, give 'em another shot. Marillion is daring you to refuse a free sampler. You may find you like it, like Babaganoush & cornbread sandwiches.
Well, Script did come out, what, 25 years ago? :) Personally, I never cared that much for the Fish-era stuff, but that's just me. I haven't been crazy about the last couple of albums either, but from Seasons End through Marbles, there's not a single album I don't like.
Well, Script did come out, what, 25 years ago? :) Personally, I never cared that much for the Fish-era stuff, but that's just me. I haven't been crazy about the last couple of albums either, but from Seasons End through Marbles, there's not a single album I don't like.

You have to give HITR a second chance. Magic and brilliant I tells ya'. Magic and brilliant. Did I say magic and brilliant????

Will you be able to convince Farbror Breed to take you to Moooontreal this year????

Did you get the dvd from London Forum? If you did, look closely at the Between you and Me ball tossing sequence. There you will see the Swede extraordinaire !!!!! And I am not talking about Farbror Breed as he probably was in Dalarna picking mushrooms while belting out old Magnum covers at the time...