New Marillion album: "Marbles"


New Metal Member
Jan 11, 2004
The new Marillion album "Marbles" is due for release on May the 3rd. The single "You're Gone" is released in the UK next monday (the 19th), and pre-orders from indicates at least a Top20 in the british single charts!

The album was reviewed in the latest issue of Classic Rock (4/5 stars). "The genre thing has been a bugbear of Marillion's, but it no longer seems relevant. What are Radiohead if not a progressive band? (And you can be sure that those little Oxford boys have a Marillion record or two in their collections,). And what are Pink Floyd, for that matter? Fans of either of those two bands would find much to enjoy in Marbles. Ultimately , though, its not a derivative record, and Marillion are no longer a derivative band.
They are making strong, singular music with the courage of their convictions and we should treasure them more than we do."

Full details and sound clips are available here:

Recommended for all Anathema fans! In fact, Marillion are one of the few bands I rate higher than our Scouse friends...