Free mixing/mastering!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 29, 2024
Hello all.

I'm new to the forums. I have been writing, recording and producing my own music for years. Over the last year I have become more serious about my passion. I've spent many hours watching videos and reading literature of the pros and taking notes. What I've learned has done wonders for my own projects. What I really need though, is some practice with other people's projects. I have a vision in my head for my own music, so it's easy for me to make it sound like "I" want it to sound. What I need is some experience trying to make others' projects sound like they want them to sound, or at least a collaborations of me and them. What I'm offering is free mixing and mastering of your personal projects. See details below.

1.) This is for a limited time. I want to make a career of mixing and mastering. I just have to start somewhere and need practice.
2.) I require patience. I have never produced anyone else's music before. Also, this will be done on my free time, which is basically weekends, when the wifie doesn't have me booked up for other things. :)
3.) I require individual instrument tracks in wav format, and a wav of the entire song. Also, I need a refernce song by your favorite artist, to show me the sound you're trying to achieve. Send me copies, not the ONLY copy you have. That way if you don't like what I can do, you can send it to someone else.
4.) NO REDLINE RECORDINGS. Keep your levels under control. I value my ears. :)
5.) If you don't like it, don't use it! No hard feelings. This is just a start for me. If you do use it, please give me some recognition so I can build some rep.

If anyone is interested, let me know here. THANK YOU!!!!