Free Tenor Ocarina .wav,.nki


The Apprentice
Hey everybody!
Last night I got out my ocarina for the first time in years and I thought, why not try recording it. So I sampled each note and split them up.

Its a ceramic tenor ocarina (meant to look like the one from the ocarina of time).

It has a very limited range and I cheated a bit to get a couple notes that arent even in it's range.

Maybe this will be of use to someone :lol:
I actually think it sounds fairly good with pretty heavy reverb.

Here's an example: test.mp3
Dude thanks you rock! I layered this with an ocarina I hand made. I'll post the Nkm here if it's ok with you, give them two different types!

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sounds really cool, thanks!

what mic did you use? and what kind of blowing technique was used?
The mic used was a slightly modded mxl 990 about 8 inches away pointed directly at the ocarina. I figured that would be best since that is the perspective that the ocarina is typically heard from.

As far as blowing technique, I just tried to used a medium flow of air since I felt I had the most control over pitch that way. However I still had to bring several of the notes into melodyne and flatten the pitch :lol:

But I'm glad people actually like it! Its nice to give back to the community :)