Free thrash metal! check it out!


Jun 27, 2004
I've posted this on a lot of places and on torrents and stuff and the feedback has been great so far so I wanted to see what you old school thrashers would think. This is a link to both EP's of my band Invection ( If you could give your opinion on them I'd really appreciate it. Here's the link:

We've been getting great reviews so far so I'm not totally wasting your time I hope haha, out of all the reviews we've gotten (and we've gotten a lot) I've never seen one that is under a 7/10.

The first one, Demented Perception is more oldschool artwise, riff wise, production wise, everything is really raw and late 80s sounding. Really aggressive and brutal stuff I think.

The 2nd one, Derealization is more modern sounding and polished (like if you were to compare The Legacy to The Formation of Damnation). Theres a lot of different elements on this one such as a lot more shredding, melody, groove, brutality etc.

If you could at least check out one or 2 songs from both of them and tell me what you think I'd really appreciate it; they're so different style wise that you may love one but absolutely hate the other so definitely give both a chance. The artwork can be seen in my sig but here's a larger version for you guys to really see it (we're really proud of the Demented Perception artwork)



Thanks for checking them out and I hope you guys like them; I've posted them even on some other forums on Ultimate Metal a long time ago and the responses were great which is what prompted me to see what the other forums think of them (some people are only active on a couple forums)
I only had time to listen to the first 3 songs so far but I like it.A lot of bands say they have the old school sound but then when you hear them you wonder what they are talking about,with their keyboards and singy choruses.But this certainly has that sound.Nice guitar crunch clean fast solos and really nice drums.The production is good too.I have no complaints,I do wish I could hear the bass a little better.But good job! Don't pull a Shadows Fall and get wimpy after 2 albums lol!
I only had time to listen to the first 3 songs so far but I like it.A lot of bands say they have the old school sound but then when you hear them you wonder what they are talking about,with their keyboards and singy choruses.But this certainly has that sound.Nice guitar crunch clean fast solos and really nice drums.The production is good too.I have no complaints,I do wish I could hear the bass a little better.But good job! Don't pull a Shadows Fall and get wimpy after 2 albums lol!

Which EP did you listen to? "Demented Perception"? Yeah the sound on that one is realllyyy old school, we were going for just really raw and heavy back then. It's funny because everyone in the band except me bitches about how horrible the production and sound is because it doesn't sound like Andy Sneap mixed it but all the feedback we've gotten back from it has either been people love the production or it's decent.

On "Derealization" the sound is a bit more modern; it's definitely not wimpy but the intro to the title track has synth strings in the background to give it a dark atmosphere (most people say they can't even hear it though) and then the final track has a piano and synth outro that we use live so we have something to go off the stage to while we rip down our gear so it's not just ok we're done bye. The production is definitely a lot more clean and thicker on this one so I'm wondering what you'll think of it.
I listened to Stunted Survival,Derealization and Demented Perception.I think I like the first 2 the best.I like the production on both so far but I think I favor Stunted Survival the most that really takes me back.So I'm not sure if the 2 songs I like the best have different productions lol. I don't mind keyboards as much if it's an intro or outro,although i'd rather not have them at all but as long as it's not behind all the guitars through out the songs I won't hate it.But I'll never understand why anyone who has 2 sick ass guitar players needs lame ass keyboards.That was my biggest problems with UA and System from Megadeth.It just takes away from the heaviness for me.It's like a lion in a pink dress!
I'm going to listen to rest of the tracks tonight...looking forward to it!
I listened to Stunted Survival,Derealization and Demented Perception.I think I like the first 2 the best.I like the production on both so far but I think I favor Stunted Survival the most that really takes me back.So I'm not sure if the 2 songs I like the best have different productions lol. I don't mind keyboards as much if it's an intro or outro,although i'd rather not have them at all but as long as it's not behind all the guitars through out the songs I won't hate it.But I'll never understand why anyone who has 2 sick ass guitar players needs lame ass keyboards.That was my biggest problems with UA and System from Megadeth.It just takes away from the heaviness for me.It's like a lion in a pink dress!
I'm going to listen to rest of the tracks tonight...looking forward to it!

Glad you liked it! Stunted is by far our thrashiest song off that EP so I'm not surprised people really like that one and yeah we'll definitely keep the keyboards to a minimum; they won't play a huge part in most of our stuff haha