Free Thrash Metal yes!!

Yeah, I also dig the vocals but in some song they get don't match the mood the song sets. I'll try to come up with an example after I've eaten some dinnaur:)
I actually dig the vocals in both of them, probably prefer them on Demented Perception

It's weird haha, some people like the Demented more hardcore style shouting vocals and others like the Derealization ones yet some people hate either of them. I'm not sure which direction to go in so hopefully feedback from the people who don't like them will be able to shed some light on it. I'm thinking of sticking more with the Demented style vocals just done better (I had to track vocals pretty fast and I was a bit sick haha).

Yeah, I also dig the vocals but in some song they get don't match the mood the song sets. I'll try to come up with an example after I've eaten some dinnaur:)

Thanks a lot, I'd really appreciate that!
Ok, got one:
Two Faced Lie, at 2:28. They don't go together with the rhythm guitar very well. Maybe that's how it supposed to be but for me, it kinda puts me off track.(or something like that)But then the solo kicks in, so it's all good:lol:

EDIT: Oh, and btw, just wanna point out that I also like Derealization better:)
Ok, got one:
Two Faced Lie, at 2:28. They don't go together with the rhythm guitar very well. Maybe that's how it supposed to be but for me, it kinda puts me off track.(or something like that)But then the solo kicks in, so it's all good:lol:

EDIT: Oh, and btw, just wanna point out that I also like Derealization better:)

I definitely agree with you there, I noted it and if we include that song on the full length I'll try to find something that fits better. Thanks!