Freedom Call Legend of the Shadowking


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
I'm very happy I just got my big box of new cds in the mail, and first one I listen to was the new Freedom Call. It is a very good I like it, anyone else?

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Yes! I'm really liking this album, I think it may be better than their last release. The only thing that bugs me is the production.. I don't know, maybe they're going for a "rawer" sound with this album :err: The drums mainly.. Still good regardless.
Don't have the new one yet, but I think Freedom Call have gotten better with each release. I didn't like the first two at all, I thought the third was good,and I loved Circle of Life and Dimensions.

My problem with them is the same as my issue with Power Quest. Great songwriting, but the sound could be better. It's not the playing, it's hard to put a finger on it. I prefer a more Dragonforce/Stratovarius production where the guitars are thick and the drums thunderous, whereas with Freedom Call and Power Quest it's a little thinner. I'm no sound expert, so I don't know the technicalities of what's going on, but that's just my impression as a listener.
Freedom Call is one of my top 5 favorite bands. I'd score every release prior to this one AT LEAST a 7/10. Shadow King, however, is just not doing it for me. There are some definite gems, but then there are a few that are just bizzarre for them. This is definitely my least favorite of their efforts to date.