Freezer stench.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
I need a way to eradicate it. Some meat was left in the freezer for a solid 4-5 weeks at our dorm here (the circumstances don't just happened, not really anyone's specific fault). Now the stench lingers, and permeates into the fridge, so that anytime one of the doors opens, it floods out in grief-inducing vileness. We have a tray in there of baking soda that would fit in any coke addict's wet dream, but it does little. Neither did a full washing and repeated spraying of lysol and other assorted smell-nice agents, nor incense. What is a sure fire method of cleansing the freezer once and for all? Is it stuck in the vents, confined forever in the sepulchral depths? WE MUST BE RID OF IT.
Yeah, it's school property...and due to certain recent scandals, and additionally, widespread substance possession, we would rather not have any authorities whatsoever involved.
That would just create a new god of guilt. Douglas Adams' corpse would be displeased that I ripped him off.
Post it motherfucker. It's not so simple a problem as you think, and we're not talking to anyone else to replace it or anything. It's obviously our fault, and we would likely have to pay for it.