French Black Metal winning yet again


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Sep 4, 2003
So let me hereby introduce you three fairly new bands which rock the bottom of hell with some premium edge "modern" yet filthy black metal drawing influences from acts like Funeral Mist, Deathspell Omega, Ofermod and the like while not sounding second-hand at all. I dig the three of them bad and I encourage you to lend them a close ear. Feedback mucho appreciato as always :)

Glorior Belli - Ô Laudate Dominvs

listen to Ô Laudate Dominvs

Hexenkreis - la Paix se meurt... la Paix est morte

listen to Marche des Rats

Drastus - Roars From the Old Serpent's Paradise

listen to Raging Spectra
Downloading them now, here's hoping they actually do sound like Ofermod

GLORIOR BELLI: Good stuff, I'm even tempted to say it's VERY good. Interesting drumming, and some top notch melodic leads.
Score: 7.5/10.
DRASTUS: A bit too bass heavy for my liking, and the (programmed) drums are pretty shite too. It's not really bad, but it didn't quite grab me by the ol' crown jewels either.

Score: 6/10.
I've heard stuff from the first two bands before and I remember thinking Glorior Belli was pretty good (perhaps just slightly not enough to make me want to own an album though). And considering I can't remember what I thought of Hexenkreis, well, I know I wasn't too impressed.

I don't think I've heard Drastus though. Meh, I'll go listen to all those though.
HEXENKREIS: The drums are slightly annoying, and some tempo changes would have made it better, I think. Still, like the Drastus track, it's neither exceptional nor shit.

Score: 6/10.
Cool, thanks for your expertise! :)

The programmed drums are the disturbing factor for Drastus indeed. It's also the one I dig less. 6/10 seems a fine rating.

Hexenkreis is just plain sickness, it's an unsettling listen even when you know the tunes pretty well, which makes it even more rewarding. I like how the stubborn tempos are churning their way onward like a plague that won't recede. 7/10

Upon the ten first listens Glorior Belli is borderline top 10. I have to decide if the 2 or 3 not so awesome songs are a satisfying snack in between or a millstone round the album's neck. 8,5/10
Ellestin said:
Cool, thanks for your expertise! :)

Twas a pleasure :D

Speaking of black metal releases from 2005, what are your opinions on Ofermod's "Mysterion Tes Anomias" MCD? Naysayers will probably claim it's just a rehash of "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" with some "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" thrown in. Myself; I think it's close to flawless.
Henrik Main said:
Speaking of black metal releases from 2005, what are your opinions on Ofermod's "Mysterion Tes Anomias" MCD?

Oh, it's great. Of course the title and cover art unmistakably point to Mayhem, but it stops right here. The music is a celebrating orgy of non-brainless pummeling, just what I need.
While I'm virtually certain no one shares my opinion, Gromm, Helrunar & Horna have released the 3 best black metal albums I've heard thus far in 2005 (depending on what you consider Falkenbach and Drudkh).

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