frenzy ?


May 5, 2003
roaring, explosive guitars dipped in a melodic structure, a careful mix of fragile and solid fragments to prepare a powerful sound, a spoonful of frenzy and a fair amount of passion and drive.

can someone please explain me what 'frenzy' is? and if you know a dutch word for it, you may tell me too

thank you very much !
marginalé said:
roaring, explosive guitars dipped in a melodic structure, a careful mix of fragile and solid fragments to prepare a powerful sound, a spoonful of frenzy and a fair amount of passion and drive.

can someone please explain me what 'frenzy' is? and if you know a dutch word for it, you may tell me too

thank you very much !

like irene said

frenzy [frenzie] (geen mv.) 0.1 (vlaag van) waanzin, razernij, staat van opwinding, 1.1 a frenzy of despair een vlaag van wanhoop: in a frenzy of delight dol/uitzinnig van vreugde

frenzied [frenzied] 0.1 waanzinnig dol opgewonden, 1.1 a frenzied attack een heftige aanval, frenzied shouts of joy wildenthousiaste/uitzinnige vreugdekreten
Alwin said:
I'm frenzy with Ado and Bambi, they frenzy with me too
