Fresh Ears Please ?


Dec 8, 2008
Just spent from thursday till this very second recording a bands second EP consisting of 5 tracks.

Ive just uploaded a quick mix of their opening track for the ep to see if there is anything im missing.



multi-outed to seporate auxes and then edited with logics built in plugins. Also I have slightly compressed the drums with a bit of parallel compression.


A straight DI into various different EQs, Compressors and limiters.


At the moment are Podded with the following chain;

Hipass > Podfarm > s-preshigh IR's > EQ > comp

i shall be sending the DI's off to be re-amped by the boards very own Greg (lolzgreg)

Vocals (which shall be posted in a clip later);
where all recorded with an AKG c414.

Anyway, my ears are shot and this has been mixed a little and mastered slightly (comp and limiter on the master bus to make it a bit louder)

As much advice would be awesome as this is the first Mass recording session ive ever done in my life haha :)

Cheers lads :headbang:




p.s theres a few grav beats with the drums that i haven't changed the velocities on. Just so you know i have noticed these haha :p
32 views and no comments :\

Without trying to sound like a whining bitch, how hard is it to give someone 5 minutes of your time to help them out.
Ok, here's my comments.

The mix needs quite a bit of work. Its kinda dull? overall

I won't give any comments on the guitars since they're being reamped anyway and I can't dial guitar tones to save my life. But I will say that they're kinda scratchy, and the mono guitar at the start down the centre sounds awful :/ really scratchy and lots of low-end.

Bass.. kinda hard to tell in the mix what to change about it. But I can never emulate the sound of a bass through an amp with just eq and comp. You really need an amp sim. Try POD Farm if you've already got that. It doesn't sound too bad as is atm, but as I said its hard to tell what to do in the mix cos bass is always mixed so low.

Drums need the most work. The snare drum I would pick a different sample, or blend it. Its got that kind of.. hollow? mids that come from too much muffling on the snare drum. The reverb only accentuates this. I would not compress the kicks if you are, it sounds like you are, and it makes them smaller. Try just taking any kick (eg. Pantera kick) and combine it with the Black Kick at approx equal volumes. Thats really all I need to do to Slate kicks, and it sounds huge. Toms have very little low-end, if any. They're sorta just ticks.

Sorry for the kind harsh review ;p but I hope you find it helpful.
Ok, here's my comments.

The mix needs quite a bit of work. Its kinda dull? overall

I won't give any comments on the guitars since they're being reamped anyway and I can't dial guitar tones to save my life. But I will say that they're kinda scratchy, and the mono guitar at the start down the centre sounds awful :/ really scratchy and lots of low-end.

Bass.. kinda hard to tell in the mix what to change about it. But I can never emulate the sound of a bass through an amp with just eq and comp. You really need an amp sim. Try POD Farm if you've already got that. It doesn't sound too bad as is atm, but as I said its hard to tell what to do in the mix cos bass is always mixed so low.

Drums need the most work. The snare drum I would pick a different sample, or blend it. Its got that kind of.. hollow? mids that come from too much muffling on the snare drum. The reverb only accentuates this. I would not compress the kicks if you are, it sounds like you are, and it makes them smaller. Try just taking any kick (eg. Pantera kick) and combine it with the Black Kick at approx equal volumes. Thats really all I need to do to Slate kicks, and it sounds huge. Toms have very little low-end, if any. They're sorta just ticks.

Sorry for the kind harsh review ;p but I hope you find it helpful.

No need to say sorry I need all the advice and help i can get imo so a honest outside opinion is always welcome.
Gave it a listen. I thought the kit sounded ok barring the toms which need some real depth. The balance on the kit seems a bit off and I'd work on that personally. Snare tone I guess some tweaking to maybe fill it up a bit.

Guitars are really bleh but I guess once u reamp it we'll get a better idea.

The bass again I'd like to hear in context with the final guitars and see how it fits in.