goatschool: i'm usually pro-feminist action but i think that's silly.
seipptastic: I kind of want to find that girl and punch her with my dick
goatschool: wow!
seipptastic: well not REALLY
seipptastic: but I would totally throw a snowball at her
goatschool: the arguement doesn't cut it for me, really.
goatschool: anatomy is porn?
seipptastic: exactly
seipptastic: how is a sculpture of a penis threatening?
goatschool: i mean, it might be threatening of a giant woman fell on it.
seipptastic: or if it was boobytrapped
goatschool: yeah, imagine if it were a trojan horse of some sort
seipptastic: or had some kind of hateful inscription on it
goatschool: exactly.
seipptastic: but just a penis?
goatschool: i mean, peens are pretty offensive in general
goatschool: but we can't help it
seipptastic: you bring your own baggage to the table when you start to say trhings like that are hurtful
seipptastic: oh totally! butin a very silly way
goatschool: absolutely.
seipptastic: in a way, they are really more of a liability than anything else
goatschool: yeah, my arguement always was
goatschool: women menstruate once a month
goatschool: we have to deal with that thing 24/7
seipptastic: right