From a Second Story Window - Delenda


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
From a Second Story Window – Delenda
Metal Blade Records/Blackmarket Activities – 3984-14576-2/BMA012-2 – July 11th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Disappointing albums don’t deserve much airplay, so with that in mind, I’m gonna try to keep this review short and sour. Preceded by Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP, which didn’t hint at the musical direction of Delenda, the long-player debut is unexpectedly messy. Now, it seems From a Second Story Window are not only in cahoots with tech metal a la Glass Casket, Ion Dissonance, and Spitfire, but are also in league with the familiar sounds of Zao and just about any band from the Victory Records roster. When the ingredients mix, the finished product is not quite what I’d call appetizing.

Obviously Delenda has some merit hiding underneath the muck and mire – versatile vocals, stunning musicianship, and an occasional knack for inserting melody into an otherwise eviscerating body. There are no clear highlights, and though it is unfortunate for From a Second Story Window, the missteps are much more conspicuous. Aided at times by Billy Bottom of Nights Like These, “Oracles and Doorsteps” is far from the group’s best work, but “Ghosts Over Japan” wins the award for being the most atrocious song on Delenda, hands down. Feeling completely out of place, the clean, piano-led ballad – with terrible lyrics one can’t ignore – is painful to listen to, and perhaps more importantly, doesn’t fit in with its heavier companions.

Ultimately, this full-length is a step down from Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP. There are some good parts, however, but I suggest passing over the most recent effort by From a Second Story Window, and investing in a release that is more cohesive or at least more appealing.


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Official From a Second Story Window Website
Official Black Market Activities Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website