From a Second Story Window - Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
From a Second Story Window – Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP
Metal Blade Records – 3984-14509 2 MB – October 19th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


May 4th, 2005
3:38 PM: Begin perusing the metal and indie rock sections at ear X-tacy in hopes of finding something good.

3:50: Come across one – $9.99 – copy of From a Second Story Window’s Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP. Recall the pleasure you received from listening to “I Tried Voodoo Once.” I really like the screams on that song, you think, and the gruff vox are a nice touch too. They’re great when they switch time signatures and stuff.

3:51: Decide to buy at least Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP. Think of Erik Thomas’s review of said album. He liked it a lot.

4:00: Find several issues of Symphony in Peril’s The Whore’s Trophy, and become curious at the hype that’s surrounding it. Think of Erik Thomas’s review of said album. He liked it a lot, but remind yourself that you can’t trust what Thomas says about Symphony in Peril because he’s a total fanboy.

4:15: Purchase the two aforementioned albums at the checkout counter. Open The Whore’s Trophy immediately. Wow, this is great stuff!

May 7th, 2005
12:31 PM: Favorable review of Symphony in Peril’s latest posted online at UM. Yeah, Erik was pretty much right, you think after publishing it.

2:46: Finally open the EP.

7:57: Listen mindlessly to From a Second Story Window during your intervals between bars. You realize that Miller Lite and Not One Word Has Been Omitted is a good combination.

3:59 AM: Post inane messages on UM while intoxicated.

May 8th, 2005
1:30 PM: Get woken up by your brother and two of your three cats as they lumber into your room. Relish the fact that you slept in your clothes last night.

1:35: Hope that you didn’t make a post telling BiatchGuy that he’s cool. The last time you were drunk, you did. Once is all right, but twice is simply unacceptable.

May 9th, 2005
9:00 AM: Listen to From a Second Story Window during the thirty-minute commute to work. You finish nearly all of the thirty-one minute EP in that time.

1:40 PM: Commence listening once again as you head to Subway for lunch. Marvel at the band’s sense of rhythm. Enjoy the gruff vocalizations for the umpteenth time.

6:05: Think: These songs sure are long for metalcore. Lament over the fact that Not One Word Has Been Omitted EP is only thirty-one minutes in length. Pledge to write Metal Blade Records a thank-you card for leasing aforesaid album from Black Market Activities.

6:06: Abandon idea to write Metal Blade Records a thank-you card.

7:15: Start writing itinerary review of the obvious. Make mental note to tell readers that the record is definitely solid, and the full-length should be even better.


Official From a Second Story Window Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website